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Thrust Plus High-Score Contest

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@ Chris Johnson: holy snot! 128,760 is the score to beat, yes? You must have nerves of steel, man. Congrats.


Have you gotten to the "something even more deadly" levels on Expert? Also, is it possible to hit the nuclear pplant that looks to be burried below the ground (level 5 or 6)? Is it possible to clear every level and detonate the plant?


This game rocks! Show of hands: how many ppl are in this contest? I'm still trying to break 75K, and get my camera working Sunday is a long day...

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Originally posted by AtariKari:

This game rocks! Show of hands: how many ppl are in this contest? I'm still trying to break 75K, and get my camera working Sunday is a long day...


I am going to take a shake at it, although I don't expect to win and if I did I think there'd be a riot since I'm associated with AtariAge. But that doesn't mean I'm not going to try, since I'm a big fan of Thrust.



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Originally posted by ubersaurus:

I'm pretty sure that isn't a 128k, just 28. the one is the game type, I think.

No, the one is a five.

Yes, the five is the game type.

No, the correct score is 128950 points.


Confused? (reread the thread!)



Could you post the current top 10 list, please? Low scores or still missing entries might encourage some extra people to join the contest.

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Originally posted by Thomas Jentzsch:

[QBAnd 128950 is a good score, but still far from what I expect to win.[/QB]


I've just sent in 193100. I hit a spot on the 5th or 6th world, reverse gravity, normal difficulty, where there isn't enough room for me once I pickup the power pod to get it to stop swinging. Lost 5 lives just on that one spot.


I *might* be able to get it through the gate by opening the gate, *then* picking up the pod and drifting through without letting it swing 'round behind me, but it's too hard with the limited air resistance and it takes about an hour to get there.

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193k !!!


After getting stuck at around 45k, with my hand cramping up a lot, I decided using my MS Sidewinder was definitely NOT the right direction to go. So I spent a bunch of time this weekend fabricating an interface for my CX-40, and trying out the game with DirectPad Pro. Problem is, I haven't gotten the interface to work at all, and while I've been wasting time, you guys have been getting 193,000 points !!!!


Shoot. I'm toast. But I'm gonna keep on trying anyway.

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Originally posted by Chris Johnson:

I've just sent in 193100.

Good job! (only 6000 points below the theoretical maximum at that point, probably because you didn't destroy 3 planets (e.g. #5), right?)


I hit a spot on the 5th or 6th world, reverse gravity, normal difficulty, where there isn't enough room for me once I pickup the power pod to get it to stop swinging.  Lost 5 lives just on that one spot.

That must be the 5th level. Yes there isn't much room to maneuver behind the gate. Just enough...


I *might* be able to get it through the gate by opening the gate, *then* picking up the pod and drifting through without letting it swing 'round behind me, but it's too hard with the limited air resistance and it takes about an hour to get there.

That's IMO an even tougher way, because the closing gate will kill you very often.


[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: Thomas Jentzsch ]

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Originally posted by AtariKari:

Also, is it possible to hit the nuclear pplant that looks to be burried below the ground (level 5 or 6)? Is it possible to clear every level and detonate the plant?

It's inside Level 6.


Yes it is possible to hit the power plant. But then it is absolutely impossible to escape with the pod from that planet.


[ 06-03-2002: Message edited by: Thomas Jentzsch ]

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Originally posted by AtariKari:

@ Thomas: but then why put it in the game? Not that I'm complaining, just curious.

It was there in the C64 game too. So you must ask the original level designer.


It will be so sweet to use a driving controller in Thrus+. Finding a joystick sensitive enough is proving a task in itself. My WICO just crapped out on me yesterday.

I'm using a Competition Pro 5000. Works fine for me.


BTW: "Thrust+" please. (the missing T is only a optical gag)

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I was having a great game, only to watch in horror as I lost 5 ships in a row after my WICO stick broke. Reverse gravity is not a forgiving environment.


I forget the name of my erstwhile stick, but it looks like the Epyx one pictured earlier in this thread, except it is covered with white rubber, and IMO much more responsive. At least it was


@ Thomas: how about level 4 (?) where you must detonate the plant, then navigate 2 screens before hitting the surface. How in the world can one beat this? On rev. gravity I guess you could get out more easily. Thrust is one tough cookie!

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Originally posted by AtariKari:

@ Thomas: how about level 4 (?) where you must detonate the plant, then navigate 2 screens before hitting the surface. How in the world can one beat this?

You are right, that's impossible in level 4 (and 6) and I don't count the 2000 points there for a perfect score, Level 5 can be done.

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Yes, it is _just_ possible on Level 5. It is strange that the original programmer organized Levels 4 and 6 that way: after realizing there is no way to remove the pod and destroy the planet, it almost looks like a waste.


I can't wait to be able to more easily thrust and activate shields in Thrust+. What will some of the graphical enhancements be in this new version?

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Originally posted by AtariKari:

Yes, it is _just_ possible on Level 5. It is strange that the original programmer organized Levels 4 and 6 that way: after realizing there is no way to remove the pod and destroy the planet, it almost looks like a waste.

Well, at least in level 4 you can disable the gun fire for a while by shooting at the plant.


What will some of the graphical enhancements be in this new version?

Sorry, no graphical enhancements, I can't do any better. .

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The game now has a pause key (left difficulty), so a broken joystick will be no problem anymore.


Thank you! As it is now, playing Thrust is a 45 min commitment. Not that I have anything better to do


Disabling the guns is a bonus I often overlook. 15 times is one too many...


So 200K is the top score possible on Rookie?

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Originally posted by Thomas Jentzsch:

(only 6000 points below the theoretical maximum at that point, probably because you didn't destroy 3 planets (e.g. #5), right?)



You edited your message on me


Chances are that I actually did destroy the power plant on #5, Rookie, reverse gravity, but decided to abort on either #2 or #3, Normal, normal gravity. That pod just don't stop swinging...


So, what is your high score?

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