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The internal MyIDE for the 800


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Well I got a prototype slot 3 MyIDE board sort of working in my 800. The third slot on the 800 has two I/O selects, $D5XX and $D6XX, so this is connected to the $D5XX line. It is a two-chip variety MyIDE (replaced the 74F32 and 74F04 with a single 74F00) and it's mounted on an 8-bit baby protoboard. It's for the Commodore machines, but the VIC-20 slot has the right 44-pin connector for the 800. I wanted to have an internal IDE disk, and there's plenty of space on the card to hold everything.


Good news is, the MyIDE FDISK recognizes an external drive. Bad news is, I don't think this PQI CF card is compatible, because I get "FATAL ERROR READING DRIVE". I'm trying to dig up some old spare IDE drives I had somewhere to see if it's working. I can read/write data at the register level, so something is working or at least halfway working.


Anyone had any luck using this brand of CF cards?



Edited by warerat
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Thats a kewl looking prototyping card. I wish they made those for the XE PBI slot.


They're 8-bit baby boards from www.c64reloaded.com. They fit pefectly into the 800. I'm going Dremel off one of the connectors off the side that has the same pitch as the cart slot. Then I'll have a gold edge connector with the holes I can use for the ECI.


I bought a pair of these for $12 each shipped off eBay.

Edited by warerat
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Good news is, the MyIDE FDISK recognizes an external drive. Bad news is, I don't think this PQI CF card is compatible, because I get "FATAL ERROR READING DRIVE". I'm trying to dig up some old spare IDE drives I had somewhere to see if it's working. I can read/write data at the register level, so something is working or at least halfway working.


Anyone had any luck using this brand of CF cards?


I figured out my problem, I had the data bus inverted (D0->D7, D1->D6, etc). It works great now.


For those that are interested, if you want to build a MyIDE with only two chips ('LS245 & 'F00), wire the 74F00 to generate IOR_ and IOW_ as follows:


1 RW_

2 (tie to pin 1)


4 (tie to pin 3)

5 PHI2

6 IOW_


8 N/C

9 N/C

10 N/C

11 IOR_

12 PHI2

13 RW_

14 +5V


DIR goes to the 'LS245. Pin 6 goes to IDE pin 25, pin 11 goes to IDE pin 23. Common connections are pins 1,2,13 to RW_, 5,12 to PHI2, and 3,4 to DIR. Equivalent circuit, just less parts.

Edited by warerat
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  • 2 weeks later...
Good news is, the MyIDE FDISK recognizes an external drive. Bad news is, I don't think this PQI CF card is compatible, because I get "FATAL ERROR READING DRIVE". I'm trying to dig up some old spare IDE drives I had somewhere to see if it's working. I can read/write data at the register level, so something is working or at least halfway working.


Anyone had any luck using this brand of CF cards?


I figured out my problem, I had the data bus inverted (D0->D7, D1->D6, etc). It works great now.


For those that are interested, if you want to build a MyIDE with only two chips ('LS245 & 'F00), wire the 74F00 to generate IOR_ and IOW_ as follows:


1 RW_

2 (tie to pin 1)


4 (tie to pin 3)

5 PHI2

6 IOW_


8 N/C

9 N/C

10 N/C

11 IOR_

12 PHI2

13 RW_

14 +5V


DIR goes to the 'LS245. Pin 6 goes to IDE pin 25, pin 11 goes to IDE pin 23. Common connections are pins 1,2,13 to RW_, 5,12 to PHI2, and 3,4 to DIR. Equivalent circuit, just less parts.

Some newbie questions if you don't mind...


- Will this work for an 800XL?


- Where do I find "DIR"? I don't see it on the 800/800XL schematics nor in the IDE specification.


- I assume connections A0 thru A2 and D0 thru D7 must still be made. Is this correct?


- Steve Sheppard

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Good news is, the MyIDE FDISK recognizes an external drive. Bad news is, I don't think this PQI CF card is compatible, because I get "FATAL ERROR READING DRIVE". I'm trying to dig up some old spare IDE drives I had somewhere to see if it's working. I can read/write data at the register level, so something is working or at least halfway working.


Anyone had any luck using this brand of CF cards?


I figured out my problem, I had the data bus inverted (D0->D7, D1->D6, etc). It works great now.


For those that are interested, if you want to build a MyIDE with only two chips ('LS245 & 'F00), wire the 74F00 to generate IOR_ and IOW_ as follows:


1 RW_

2 (tie to pin 1)


4 (tie to pin 3)

5 PHI2

6 IOW_


8 N/C

9 N/C

10 N/C

11 IOR_

12 PHI2

13 RW_

14 +5V


DIR goes to the 'LS245. Pin 6 goes to IDE pin 25, pin 11 goes to IDE pin 23. Common connections are pins 1,2,13 to RW_, 5,12 to PHI2, and 3,4 to DIR. Equivalent circuit, just less parts.

Some newbie questions if you don't mind...


- Will this work for an 800XL?


- Where do I find "DIR"? I don't see it on the 800/800XL schematics nor in the IDE specification.


- I assume connections A0 thru A2 and D0 thru D7 must still be made. Is this correct?


- Steve Sheppard


Sure, except that the connections to the bus are different. DIR is on the 'LS245. Look at: http://www.mr-atari.com/myide.htm for step-by-step.


This is just the same thing but customized to interface with the 800 memory slot.

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Naturally I will LOVE to have this to accompany the CX802 stuff I just got. Got to have a matching set. :)


Let's see, the XL ram board you deemed the CX802.

We figured the 512K ram module would have been CX858.


And based on our homework of the CX8XX numbers...




X-800 Computer

* CX-800-DS Developers System

CX-801 10K Rom OS

* CX-801P 10 Rom OS (Pal)

CX-810 Floppy Drive

CX-815 Dual Disk System

* CX-816/817 Prototypes

CX-820 Drum Printer


I would call the MyIde board for the 800.. well it is a personality board, which generally fall into the CX801-CX809 range. But it is drive related, which falls into the CX-810-CX819 range. (Printers follow that). So I would suggest a good number for this, if you want to assign it a fun number would be either CX-809 (a card verging on drive interface), or CX811 (which would be a fun tribute to the CX-810 drive.)


What can I say? I love the beige stuff, and I love to work all this in somehow. :D And if this works nearly as well as the CX802 or CX858 from Warerat, we definately need to bring it in properly. ;)

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  • 11 months later...

Well, if we maintain the logic of the numbering for Atari add-ons and peripherals:



801-809 would be for OS/Personality Cards

810-819 would be for disk storage

820-829 would be for printers

830-839 modems

840-849 is OPEN - no relevant peripherals occupy this range

850 Interface

851-859 Memory:

851 - 4K

852 - 8K

853 - 16K

854 - 32K

855 - 64K

856 - 128K

857 - 256K

858 - 512K

859 - 1MB

860-869 - CP/M, alternate CPU systems - Atari 1060 "Sweetpea" CP/M box and 1066 CP/M card for 1090 were designated in this range.

870-879 Potential for being Hard Drive range

880-889 Atari 1080 "Classnet" (More info to follow shortly on this) was a networking system developed by Atari, only deployed internally in the Classnet Lab.

890-899 Expansion System & card (Atari 1090 XL Expansion box used the xx90 designation


So a HD box (SIO2IDE or SIO2SD) could be an Atari 840 or 1040, but having a number lower then the 1050 disk drive doesn't seem appropriate, so either a 870 or 1070 would seem appropriate.










Naturally I will LOVE to have this to accompany the CX802 stuff I just got. Got to have a matching set. :)


Let's see, the XL ram board you deemed the CX802.

We figured the 512K ram module would have been CX858.


And based on our homework of the CX8XX numbers...




X-800 Computer

* CX-800-DS Developers System

CX-801 10K Rom OS

* CX-801P 10 Rom OS (Pal)

CX-810 Floppy Drive

CX-815 Dual Disk System

* CX-816/817 Prototypes

CX-820 Drum Printer


I would call the MyIde board for the 800.. well it is a personality board, which generally fall into the CX801-CX809 range. But it is drive related, which falls into the CX-810-CX819 range. (Printers follow that). So I would suggest a good number for this, if you want to assign it a fun number would be either CX-809 (a card verging on drive interface), or CX811 (which would be a fun tribute to the CX-810 drive.)


What can I say? I love the beige stuff, and I love to work all this in somehow. :D And if this works nearly as well as the CX802 or CX858 from Warerat, we definately need to bring it in properly. ;)

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