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This is supposed to look like Pole Position, I don't know if I did a very good job or not. Is there any way to make the bottom half green and the top half blue? Because that would look sweet. Anyway, left moves the car left and right moves the car right. Fire honks the horn. That's right, there's a horn.




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Is there any way to make the bottom half green and the top half blue?


The newest version of bB will let you do that. It hasn't been released yet, but you can send batari a PM and ask him for a copy of it.


Michael Rideout


I just did. This version will keep the gray part and still make the bottom part green, right?

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Is there any way to make the bottom half green and the top half blue?


The newest version of bB will let you do that. It hasn't been released yet, but you can send batari a PM and ask him for a copy of it.


Michael Rideout


I just did. This version will keep the gray part and still make the bottom part green, right?


I don't have it yet, so I'm not the best person to ask. And now that I think about it, I probably gave you some bum information. The newest version of bB will let you change the *playfield* color, but I don't know about the background color. On the other hand, you should be able to use the playfield for the blue sky and the green ground, and use the background for the gray road.


Michael Rideout

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Here's an updated version. Next, I'll need the latest patch to make the grass green. I added the sound of a car motor, which you can turn off by pressing up if it gets too annoying. The honking is still here.


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