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NES High Score Club Week #1 - 1943


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The results are in and we're going back to WWII! 1943 it is!


So, post a score and let's get this thing rolling!


Please post any tips you may have - best tip gets 1 bonus point!


Also, if anyone has a link to the manual, please post it.


A special note: Please don't post scores that were achieved after a "continue." All scores should be for a game that was started from the beginning. :)


This week's competition ends next Friday morning.


This week's standings:


1. 1345900 rjchamp3 (10 pts)

2. 852800 figgler (8 pts)

3. 817700 vdub_bobby (6)

4. 264300 keilbaca (4)

5. 256600 mojofltr (2 +1 bonus pt for best tip)

6. 125600 Malc74 (1)

7. 102200 MCHufnagel (1)

8. 25700 8th lutz (1)




Twin Galaxies Top Scores


1. 2927100 Steven Krogman

2. 2636500 Tom Votava

3. 2621400 Donald E Vasques

4. 1124600 Ron Corcoran

5. 874600 Mr. Kelly R Flewin



Overall standings:


To come.




mojofltr has attached the manual for those who don't have it. +1 bonus pt.

Edited by vdub_bobby
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I'm going to freely admit to using autofire for this game. We didn't officially outlaw it, but feel free to insert a * next to my score if you wish. The controller I like to use for games like this is an awesome QuickShot model with a great thumbstick and the adjustable autofire is too hard to resist. That and the sanity of my trigger finger of course.

Anyway, after 2 goes I managed to make it to the 3rd boss.


Score; 278 500

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I just got this game a few days ago at a flea market! I probably wouldn't have picked it up, but there was a copy of Gun Nac in the lot, so I took it. As it turns out, this isn't such a bad game! :)


My first score:



Also, I'm attaching a copy of the manual for anyone who is uncertain what the power-ups are, etc:


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All of a sudden the enemy cannon-fodder took more than one hit! It was over pretty quickly at that point...




I did not know you allow turbo

Well, if enough folks are against it we can disallow it - I don't see why not, though - Nintendo released plenty of controllers with turbo on 'em. And IMO this game is painfully unpleasant without it. :P


Nice score, too. :) Does the game end ever?

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370,012 now




Not that I doubt you or anything, but...can we see some screenshots? I've never seen a score that wasn't a multiple of 100 while playing, and all the scores at Twin Galaxies are multiples of 100. :ponder:


And according to the FAQs at GameFAQs.com, the game does end after 24 levels. :o I got my high score by getting to level 8.


Also from gamefaqs.com:

POW			   - + 8 Energy
Small Energy Tank - +12 Energy
Elephant		  - +16 Energy
Cow			   - +32 Energy
Large Energy Tank - +32 Energy
Yashichi		  - Fully restores Energy

Barrel			- +16 Weapon Energy
Star			  - Fully restores Weapon Energy

Alpha			 - +32 Energy, +32 Weapon Energy

Flower			- Add one point to your stats.
Dragonfly		 - Add two points to your stats.

Side Fighter	  - Two small planes fly beside you, increasing attack range.

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I just played again with a turbo stick and did a little better. Still, I died on the 3rd stage boss with only 190,700 (Hopefully that'll keep me out of last place though. :lolblue:)






238,900 points, and I didn't even make it as far this time!


After playing the game a few times, I knew that I didn't care for the special guns (the shotgun sucks!) and weapons, so I didn't think that it would make much difference whether or not I boost those up. I had been ignoring the Offensive/Defensive Power bars altogether.




This last game, I put it all in my offensive power to see how different a game might play. The difference was incredible! The enemies went down without much fuss at all and I was finishing the levels at 100% to receive 50,000 bonus points!


So before, I had a lot of energy, but I had to spend it using lightening/tsunami just to have enough time to kill the enemy. This time around, the enemies were dropping like flies - as long as I could dodge their fire and make it to the end of each stage.


So how are you guys setting up at the beginning of a game? Does anyone know where some of the hidden shops (where you boost your levels) are? I've picked up a cow on the 2nd level (I think) twice now... does anyone know what the "special characters" do for you?

Edited by mojofltr
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