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Upset that Grover's Music Maker was never released, I decided to make my own little program in Batari BASIC. This is different than Grover's. This is more like a piano. See, there's this little guy that runs across 8 different keys, and when you press fire, he makes the key play, and once you depress fire, the note stops playing. At least, that's how I want it to go anyway. Here's what I have so far:

2 set kernel_options pfcolors
100 for a=0 to 10 : pfhline 0 a 31 off : next
105 for b=0 to 7 : pfhline 0 b 4 on : next
110 COLUBK=128 
120 player0:
122 pfcolors:
125 x=45 : c=0 : d=0
137 if c=1 && d=0 then AUDV0=6 : AUDC0=12 : AUDF0=9
 if c=1 && d=1 then AUDV0=6 : AUDC0=12 : AUDF0=11
 if c=1 && d=2 then AUDV0=6 : AUDC0=12 : AUDF0=13
138 player0x=x : player0y=y : COLUPF=14 : COLUP0=32

142 if d=0 then goto 144

144 drawscreen : y=8 : d=0
 if c=0 && joy0fire then c=1 : goto 137
 goto 137

With this, once you press fire, the note keeps on playing whether you keep pressing fire or not. The question is: where do I put "if c=1 && joy0fire then c=0"? And if c=0 that means AUDV0=0, too. d=0 means do, d=1 means ti, d=2 means la, etc.

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I've decided to just start all over again from scratch and not even try to make any sort of code (past what I've just posted) until I can get this question answered: How can I get player0 to go from key to key? I've tried dozens of ways and nothing seems to work. I figure y=8 is on the first key (line), and go by incriments of 8 down until key 8 (which would be 64). This is way harder than I thought it would be. :?


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I've decided to just start all over again from scratch and not even try to make any sort of code (past what I've just posted) until I can get this question answered: How can I get player0 to go from key to key? I've tried dozens of ways and nothing seems to work. I figure y=8 is on the first key (line), and go by incriments of 8 down until key 8 (which would be 64). This is way harder than I thought it would be. :?

That should have worked (it did for me), but it would also depend on where you incremented or decremented y in the loop. However, I moved the keys down 1 row, and used player1 to add the black keys, then added 2 data arrays to control the x and y position of player0, so player0 can jump from the white keys to the black keys. You can add another data array for the tones. I also made player0 brighter to help it show up better.




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Without seeing SeaGtGruff's wonderful example (which I may have to use), I came up with this crude little thing. It doesn't work perfect, but what projects of mine do? :) Notice the faint electronic "ehhhhhhh" sound when you play a note. Is there any way to get rid of that?

P.S. Note that these are just temporary sounds.


Edited by atari2600land
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