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What's the latest Atari related thing(s) you've bought on ebay?

Ross PK

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835 Direct Connect Modem featuring the simplest circuit board design I've seen in a long time (single layer, single sided)




Thinking about Atari's product numbering scheme, does anyone know what the Atari 840 was supposed to be?

I've never heard of an Atari 840, So If It existed, It didn't get too far before being killed, Even Google couldn't find anything.

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835 Direct Connect Modem featuring the simplest circuit board design I've seen in a long time (single layer, single sided)




Thinking about Atari's product numbering scheme, does anyone know what the Atari 840 was supposed to be?

I've never heard of an Atari 840, So If It existed, It didn't get too far before being killed, Even Google couldn't find anything.



Why have you got your 835 floating in a bowl of cereal ?! :D

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I picked up another 1010 in a box. I don't have one in a box. I wanted one in a box. My goal is to have one of all the things I want in a box. Which reminds me. Candle does the VBXE2 come in a box? ;)


Ebay: 1010 in a box:


eBay Auction -- Item Number: 2207072467071?ff3=2&pub=5574883395&toolid=10001&campid=5336500554&customid=&item=220707246707&mpt=[CACHEBUSTER]


What a deal! I had my eye on that one. As I recall, someone else here had their eye on the boxed 1010 I bought back in June/July. :)

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Not from ebay, not Atari related (however you can find few sentences regarding A8), but I would love to have a similar 548-pages book dedicated to Atari (in fact the pages dedicated to Commodore will be more because in 2012 a second book dedicated to Amiga days will be published):


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Not A8, and without cable or PSU, but for 99p seemed too good to miss for the case alone:




Now you need to get the HxC Floppy Emulator and hack it into that case, all professional-like as you did the XM301 and SIO2SD. Then you need to add a switch to your ST so you can toggle and swap the internal/external drives. Then post the detailed pics you took on your blog. :) :) :)

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It would probably be more useful to me enclosing some kind of A8 peripheral. I have an UltraSatan for the ST, not that I use it much at present...


Weekend's going well:




9.99GBP. :)

That would make an awesome case to cut up and use with an SIO2SD :D

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i got a working Indus GT, $34 BIN... a little beat up and broken cover, but working, and with cables...




I think this was the one I was looking at on eBay, but the guy wouldn't ship to Canada.


i ship to .ca but i am only selling 1050's :')




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Not A8, and without cable or PSU, but for 99p seemed too good to miss for the case alone:




Now you need to get the HxC Floppy Emulator and hack it into that case, all professional-like as you did the XM301 and SIO2SD. Then you need to add a switch to your ST so you can toggle and swap the internal/external drives. Then post the detailed pics you took on your blog. :) :) :)


Yeah Yeah, I know Wood_jl, I STILL haven't got around to documenting when I do mine :P

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Just playing with a recently arrived boxed 130XE and XC12 - both are somewhat suntanned :roll: Decathlon is loading - years since I ever loaded anything from tape :)


Also a boxed 800XL and 1010 which will try in a bit. The 800XL came in the original Atari pack outer box (the XL+1010+Joystick+Games bundle) and the boxes and manuals are immaculate however the computer itself was filthy.


Will try and do some pics, also need to do one of my Astra 2001.


Nice: Decathlon has finished loading - time for some joystick bending action!

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