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What's the latest Atari related thing(s) you've bought on ebay?

Ross PK

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Just liked the look of this


I have one of those in my Atari Basement, they are pretty cool and fairly inexpensive... They sent me the wrong color (red instead of blue) and when I told them about it they shipped me a new bulb in the right color, so I can switch mine from blue to red :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Picked up Porky's for the Atari 2600 for $.99 at a local thrift shop last week. Not a big deal but new for my collection and anytime I can get an Atari find for $.99 I am happy

Now you have to treat yourself to the movie (2nd one wasn't bad either) :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Couldn't really afford this (can't really afford anything, strictly speaking), but I figured a trackball is an essential purchase for anyone designing a GUI:




Note converted Logic 3 Amiga mouse also in shot, bought with tremendous foresight in the early nineties and hardly used since. :)

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Here are some of my new items:


Sio2SD built by FlashJazzCat, but red

830 Modem

835 Modem (main board)

835 Modem (complete)

SX212 Modem

TeleLink I (1)

TeleLink II (2)

ICD PR Connection (2)

810 - Happy (1)

810 - Stock (1)

1050 - Stock (1)

XF551 (1)

Indus GT (1)

800 (1)

800XL (3) 1 working

130XE (1) Had a bad solder connection at the power connector


Spectre GCR with Roms, original disks and Cable (I see another one listed now)

ComputerEyes for ST

1040 STF (2)


Plus many 8bit carts and some original disks


Still looking for the HamSoft and Hamtext carts for Atari



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Not 8-bit, but Atari and Ebay




Fifty bucks. It's an early model, as I like, before the big eject bar and slanted disk slot. Not exactly free, but I don't see nice ones like this too much.

Nice. I bought one for 5GBP but it was so discoloured not even RetroBriting would work. I'll end up spray-painting the case.

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Not Ebay, but these are my new Atari Toys






65XE PAL - With ECI port




The 65XE has a wonderful factory stock BASIC chip




Also picked up this



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....not even RetroBriting would work. I'll end up spray-painting the case.



Which "RetroBriting" technique do you use? Which products do you use?

The tried and tested 40 Vol Peroxide Creme treatment, indoors, out of the fresh air (so it doesn't dry up). I don't use Oxy any more, since it tended to cause blooming. Nevertheless, the SF case bloomed anyway, and I have found this to happen with virtually every item from the ST range I have tackled (also XF drives, XEGS - but not other XE cases).


I was intending to mod it up to house a hard disk anyway, so I guess I'll paint it.

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Just liked the look of this


I dig that. Is there a seller you could point me toward that sells those?


I have the same sign (minus the Atari Games part, it just says Atari and the fuji), you can kind of see it in this picture




Do a search on Ebay for Atari bar sign, or Atari Neon Sign... Currently there are three up that are all green, however I believe most of the sellers will offer you addidional colors for free, approx cost is $30 shipped.


They also have a new option to add a remote control with multicolors, so you can select the color you want, it's an additional $10

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Berzerk Atari 800 repro from B&C's ebay store arrived a few days ago. Good stuff. I love how it has the voice intact.


I also ordered Spy vs. Spy I and II Atari 8 bit and Galahad and the Holy Grail (from the store, but paid on ebay) from B&C and Juno First Atari 8 bit from Classic Game Source's ebay store. I got Asteroids 800 from rbgamehunter recently too. It's a bit unpolished compared to other versions, but still pretty good.

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[quote name='flashjazzcat' date='Mon Mar 14, 2011 10:11 AM' timestamp='1300119110'

The tried and tested 40 Vol Peroxide Creme treatment, indoors, out of the fresh air (so it doesn't dry up). I don't use Oxy any more, since it tended to cause blooming. Nevertheless, the SF case bloomed anyway, and I have found this to happen with virtually every item from the ST range I have tackled (also XF drives, XEGS - but not other XE cases).


I was intending to mod it up to house a hard disk anyway, so I guess I'll paint it.


I can confirn everything Flashjazzcat says here. I had another drive that was "hoplessly" yellowed and I took it in small steps, to avoid blooming. It just wouldn't reverse (the yellowing/darkening). I kept over and over. After a while, I realized it wasn't going to reverse, so I just went wild with it, KNOWING it would probably bloom. Sure enough, it bloomed in places, while others were still dark.


This particular drive was badly-yellowed, almost as if someone took a honey-colored spraycan and painted the front and top.


So evidently, when the grey (ST/XE) stuff gets past a certain point, it's done for, unless painted. That's what I did with the drive too (as FJC did) and it does look pretty snazzy.


But the white stuff is the best to de-colorize, obviously.

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Note I've made a distinction between early 65/130XE plastic and the plastic used in construction of STs/XFs/XEGS, which I believe to be of a similar type and different to the early XE compound (slightly more olive in colour). It's the olive hued plastic which blooms like crazy. I've never had an XE case go bad on me yet.

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