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Allan last won the day on April 21 2019

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About Allan

  • Birthday July 27

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    Wallingford, CT
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  1. Sorry to hear this Bob. Praying the storm isn't too bad for you guys in Florida.
  2. There is desoldering boards/chips and then there is desoldering Atari XE boards/chips.
  3. The non-game stuff is what needs much attention for archiving.
  4. Can you take pictures, especially of the software?
  5. Looks like someone is watching this thread and wants to make big bucks! https://www.ebay.com/itm/305788562645
  6. And I lost. 90 percent of them were PC disks. Oh well. I did get some Portland Atari Club newsletters which I am in the process of scanning. https://archive.org/details/portland-atari-club-computer-news-february-1989 https://archive.org/details/portland-atari-club-computer-news-february-1988/mode/2up More to come at some point. They take a while to scan.
  7. Since this is a turn based game I would love to see this FujiNet enabled.
  8. I just played a full game with the computer on easy. And I won. Looks great.
  9. I don't gamble much but I rolled the dice on this one. https://www.ebay.com/itm/196622035916
  10. @roshy There was one for Atari 8-bit in Computer Shopper magazine. If you do a search for "computer shopper" on this forum you will find it. Great list, by the way.
  11. Tom was a regular contributor to Analog computing. Adventure at Vandenberg AFB Bacterion! Bopotron! Buried Bucks Crash Dive! Fill'er Up! Fill'er Up! II Fire Bug Harvey Wallbanger High Seas Livewire! Planetary Defense Retrofire! Sunday Driver Titan
  12. I sent you an Atariage.com private message with my email in it.
  13. How about a 5200+ that has a backward-compatible 5200 controller that is digital but uses the same case (or same externally) as the original 5200 controller? One with improved buttons that don't have such a high failure rate. Atari was working on one but never finished it. I can dream, can't I?
  14. @boygio76Would you consider scanning the box and manual? If yes and are not familiar with scanning stuff, just let me know and I can help you out. Some of us here are trying to archive all the Atari 8-bit computer software and adding Buried Bucks to the archive would be great.
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