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5-11under last won the day on September 3 2013

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About 5-11under

  • Birthday 02/06/1915

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    Ontario, Canada
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    Music, electronics, video game hardware, woodworking, programming

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  1. You could make a little subroutine to clear that area of the screen before doing any printing. Also, I think the money logic needs a bit of cleaning up. For instance, if Alf costs 9, then <9 is not enough money, but >8 is enough (you've got >9, which means you'd need 10).
  2. IF you ordered something from me prior to yesterday, your package has been sent out (NA only so far). I'll send e-mails tomorrow.

  3. Name: Kart-Tag! Description: Race to catch the tags as quickly as possible, for each of the six courses. Watch out for obstacles. Instructions: Press 1 to play the standard courses. For random courses, press 2 at the start screen. Controls during gameplay: press a main fire button or up on the disc to accelerate; press an alternate fire button or down on the disc to decelerate; press left or right on the disc to turn left or right. Each course starts when you first accelerate. Race to collect the required number of tags as quickly as possible. When the required number of tags has been reached, the level is complete. Missing a tag means you'll have to wait for the next tag to "drop". Hitting obstacles on the road will slow you down significantly. Making turns will also slow you down, although to less of a degree. There are six courses in a game, with increasing Go Kart power. After completing all six courses, your course times and overall time will be shown. Play again to try to beat your records. The best times for standard play are kept separate from those for random play. Easter egg #1: Press 9 at the start screen, then press 7 and 8 to select a starting "seed" number. This will change the course sequence accordingly. Only the sequence of the numbers changes, so some values will provide similar courses. When set, press 2 to start the game. Easter egg #2: Press 6 at the start screen, then press 4 and 5 to select how soon the tag starts to drop. 2 is standard, 1 is sooner, and 0 is soonest. Press 3 when set, then press 1 or 2 to start the game. kart.rom Cheers! Harvey
  4. We should have done the eclipse on Sunday... clear skies.
  5. I'll send out individual emails tomorrow... all orders have either been mailed out already, or are set to be mailed out tomorrow.
  6. I'll send out individual emails tomorrow... all orders have either been mailed out already, or are set to be mailed out tomorrow.
  7. I'll send out individual emails tomorrow... all orders have either been mailed out already, or are set to be mailed out tomorrow.
  8. I'll send out individual emails tomorrow... all North American orders have either been mailed out already, or are set to be mailed out tomorrow.
  9. I'll upload it tonight. It's probably pretty crappy, but it functions fast enough.
  10. I used IntyBASIC. I just used a 16 but number, so I could catch the carry bit. In this case, the game is for the current contest, so no assembly allowed. Otherwise I probably would have used your code.
  11. FYI, I used the method as described in the link in post #4 above, and it works well for this application. I did have to do adjust the seed and XOR values for each level, to get the patterns to my liking, but some solution or other would be required no matter which generator I had used.
  12. I'm not sure exactly what the "2 ready made solutions" are, but definitely there are a number of easy solutions available. Probably the easiest for me, for this non-critical task, is to make my own generator using a few lines of BASIC code. Yes, a quick "poke" (in BASIC, with no assembly required) could likely work - just need to know the address, and know where to find it next time. For me, I'll be more comfortable making my own generator in cases where I need an input seed (or use an assembly-generated one, but of course not in cases such as contests where that's not allowed). Edit: yes, JLP requires a special PCB (or can be enabled in jzintv for emulator use).
  13. In my case, I'm not going to use JLP features, because I don't have JLP boards. There may be other advantages to moving to JLP, but if it's just for the random numbers, it's not worth it. For my current requirement (but feel free to discuss other requirements), I need to determine the location of an obstacle every second, approximately. I could compare it fairly closely to something like Activision Skiing for the Atari 2600. I want an option for completely random obstacle locations, but for equal comparison of high scores, I also want an option for fixed obstacle locations (fixed, as in the same each time the game is played). The length of the "course" is variable, and there will be several of them, so a fixed table is less viable (or more complex than a pseudo random number generator). I haven't tried it yet, but for the fixed obstacle locations, I think a simple bit shift and XOR system (as I linked above) will be acceptable. Otherwise I'll go with something slightly more complicated, such as described here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear-feedback_shift_register.
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