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phoenixdownita last won the day on April 14 2016

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  1. This was ported to the Amiga but it just wasn’t SuperSprint 😢 , I played it but … This cabinet also shows https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_Off_Road
  2. The claim is for 60, as in 5 dozens, preconfigured games, that makes each on avg ~58us$.
  3. NeoSprint? https://atari.com/products/neosprint
  4. How could they? I mean VirtuaRacing is shown, and Turbo both Sega.
  5. I know the games as in number 2 and number 3 but never seen the first. I finished them via unibios cheats just to see how imaginative the devs were. One of them (2 or 3 can’t remember) if set to eu region is brutally hard (hardwired to 8 and ignores any difficulty switch settings, I struggle already on the first level with the moveable Eiffel-ish tower robot thingy).
  6. @batari do you have good news? Has the cat some more lives left?
  7. Most definitely in the video when they present all the variants at the end, lots of them have the Atari logo plastered around. Yeah the rotating banner: Even the last one on the right has the logo embossed in the center of the steering wheel. Maybe there was the intent of a deal that didn’t make it? The big cabinet to the left is the cleaner one aside the area that your eagle eyes noticed. The above is a direct link but here is the embedded image as of now:
  8. But it comes and goes no? Like when you mix footage from a real unit (they probably have a real SuperSprint cabinet available) and then an unmarked repro.
  9. @PowerDubsthe logo only appears once then it’s nowhere else on the video, the product page has no logo anywhere for the cabinet (also the cabinet graphics looks the part, main name included which I believe may also require licensing or permission). When they play SuperSprint they never show the initial screen with copyrights (potentially removed or obfuscated). Aside the steering controls (which they sell separately it appears) it looks like a “pandora box” specialized for steering wheel games. It seems they show VirtuaRacing among the rest … I don’t think “teh romz” part is legit (not sure they have a commercial license for the emulators either) but I would love to be proven wrong.
  10. Oh crap: ”PC included with over sixty 3 player, 2 player and single player games fully configured” https://www.buystuffarcades.com/products/360-wheel-full-size-multicade-preorder It does not sound “licensed” to me. (the word “license” appears nowhere on that page) @TrogdarRobusto is that an official or officially endorsed product?
  11. That was a game that never got ported to any other 16bit system other than Atari’s own Atari ST (like Sega did for its 3d arcades on Saturn) I had an Amiga at that time, but one of my best friends had an Atari ST and this one game I envied to no end. I had to wait until Midway Arcade Treasures released on XBox to play it until I could get it out of my system … and I still suck at it to this day. PS: needless to say my MiSTer AtariST core gets to workout on that one
  12. Erhh … personal opinion right? PS: Official response above, came in as I was typing. Feel free to clean/delete this post, my apologies.
  13. …but you made it out !! (Btw so cool, Namco, Konami … that was royalty back then) Any games we may have played that you worked on? Including productions like Namco Museum going back to the PS1 time or maybe even PacLand and PacMania ports on Atari ST or Amiga?
  14. Isn’t an 8” screen a bit of a deal breaker, especially if you try playing a vs match? I am typing this on a old iPad mini which is about that size and I can’t think of it as a good thing … even growing up non-affluent to put it mildly my gaming CRT was 13” viewable (a used Commodore 1084) and it felt small.
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