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JoustPong for the 2600, released at PhillyClassic


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This was my rough draft of a frontpage announcment I honestly think Al was planning on putting on the front page of the site, but he got totally swamped by PhillyClassic preperations...


smallgal.jpgIn 1998, it was written: "The future of gaming can be summed up in two words -- Pong and Joust". This weekend, the future arrives...in Philadelphia! Kirk Israel's new 2600 homebrew game JoustPong will be debuting at PhillyClassic 5. JoustPong combines the original deathmatch Pong with the kinetic action (and pterodactyl!) of Joust. (Even the castle walls of Warlords make a cameo!) You can play 2 levels of computer opponent or challenge a friend. Plus, the PhillyClassic debut will feature a limited edition JoustPong T-shirt pack-in with each game, shown here. You can learn about the history of JoustPong's creation and download the latest beta on development page, or discuss it in our Homebrew Discussion forum.

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I think the price is going to be $25.


I'll be there to autograph, for people who like that kind of thing :-)


I'll even sign JoustPong shirts. Especially ones being worn by cute women. Heck, in the case, they don't even have to be wearing a JoustPong shirt. It could be a different shirt. Or even no shirt, I'm not picky.


Sorry. It's been a loooong day at work.


They will be sold in the AtariAge Store, though only the first 50 sold in all will come with a T-shirt...so if they sell out there by some weird chance, you may be out of luck shirt-wise.

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They will be sold in the AtariAge Store, though only the first 50 sold in all will come with a T-shirt...so if they sell out there by some weird chance, you may be out of luck shirt-wise.


Kirk, are you coming to the next NECG meet and if so, could you bring some (shirts if possible too)? I'd love to grab a copy and get your scribbles on it after failing so miserably to win the prototype in the fall. :)

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They will be sold in the AtariAge Store, though only the first 50 sold in all will come with a T-shirt...so if they sell out there by some weird chance, you may be out of luck shirt-wise.


Kirk, are you coming to the next NECG meet and if so, could you bring some (shirts if possible too)? I'd love to grab a copy and get your scribbles on it after failing so miserably to win the prototype in the fall. :)

Actually I won't have any carts :-( (in fact, I'm trying to find the one I set-aside for Club Ninja!) I might have a spare shirt or two, though, so even if the shirts sell out before you get to order, maybe I can throw one in :-)

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I just wanted to pipe in and say that "Joust Pong" rocks!

Thanks! With all the praise Climber 5 was (justifiably) getting, I was starting to feel left out! But I do think I have the best head to head game in a while, up there with Gunfight and some others...people's reaction at PC5 was really good to see.

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I just wanted to pipe in and say that "Joust Pong" rocks!

Thanks! With all the praise Climber 5 was (justifiably) getting, I was starting to feel left out! But I do think I have the best head to head game in a while, up there with Gunfight and some others...people's reaction at PC5 was really good to see.

Kip, your game does rock! I played it in the tournament at PC5, enjoyed it, bought it, brought it home, enjoyed it some more.


Climber 5 was cool, too but I enjoyed your game much more. In fact, your game and Star Fire were the only two homebrews that I bought. I bought some hacks of Pac-Man, Space Invaders, a Borg themed Asteroids and some old commerical release carts that I always wanted: Pele's Soccer, Superman and Popeye and an SNES Godzilla game. But I think out of all of those, I have played yours the most.

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your game does rock! I played it in the tournament at PC5, enjoyed it, bought it, brought it home, enjoyed it some more.


Climber 5 was cool, too but I enjoyed your game much more. In fact, your game and Star Fire were the only two homebrews that I bought. I bought some hacks of Pac-Man, Space Invaders, a Borg themed Asteroids and some old commerical release carts that I always wanted: Pele's Soccer, Superman and Popeye and an SNES Godzilla game. But I think out of all of those, I have played yours the most.

Thanks...it's really nice to hear that.


I think, overall, it's easier to get a good gaming experience out of a multiplayer game than a single player challenge. For me, and this is a subjective opinion, a "good" multiplayer game is better than the "best" single player games.


The challenge is I don't feel "right" releasing multi-player-only games, because I know a lot of gamers don't always have reliable "play groups"...so I have to work out some level of AI, ideally a way of playing a respectable version of the game without being perfect.


I have one more idea for a game burbling...a 4 player paddle based game. But I don't want to talk it up too much yet, since I don't know when and if I'll get the time to see it through.

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your game does rock! I played it in the tournament at PC5, enjoyed it, bought it, brought it home, enjoyed it some more.


Climber 5 was cool, too but I enjoyed your game much more. In fact, your game and Star Fire were the only two homebrews that I bought. I bought some hacks of Pac-Man, Space Invaders, a Borg themed Asteroids and some old commerical release carts that I always wanted: Pele's Soccer, Superman and Popeye and an SNES Godzilla game. But I think out of all of those, I have played yours the most.

Thanks...it's really nice to hear that.


I think, overall, it's easier to get a good gaming experience out of a multiplayer game than a single player challenge. For me, and this is a subjective opinion, a "good" multiplayer game is better than the "best" single player games.


The challenge is I don't feel "right" releasing multi-player-only games, because I know a lot of gamers don't always have reliable "play groups"...so I have to work out some level of AI, ideally a way of playing a respectable version of the game without being perfect.


I have one more idea for a game burbling...a 4 player paddle based game. But I don't want to talk it up too much yet, since I don't know when and if I'll get the time to see it through.


I think the single player experience works pretty well in Joust Pong mainly because of the way the random nature of the Pteryodactyl and the general unpredicatability of the CPU AI. I've been down by some 5 points in some games, only to come back thanks to some well timed richochets off the flying pteryodactyl!

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Nah, she's just a friend from work.


(My wife is soon-to-be-ex-wife, alas. Plus she's really short, so the XL shirt would've looked stranger.)


And yeah, Pterry really rounded out the game play, just added that little element of Chaos and unpredictability...

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Man, I hope that shirt is a big XL, otherwise I'll end up putting it in a drawer unless I need a headband or something.


I could easily fit two of me into one shirt. Not that that's really saying all that much ... :roll:

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Man, I hope that shirt is a big XL, otherwise I'll end up putting it in a drawer unless I need a headband or something.


I could easily fit two of me into one shirt. Not that that's really saying all that much ... :roll:

It's a pretty generous XL I think.


Which is probably why it was harder to tell the gender of the person in the shirt :-)


I didn't mind the "Kip". That's a new one, usually it's "Kurt" or "Chris" that I get saddled with.

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Nah, she's just a friend from work.


(My wife is soon-to-be-ex-wife, alas.)


Damn Kirk, that's a shame. :( I always have a hard time imagining what would cause couples to break up when the people I meet from AA are such genuine, nice, honorable people. I suspect our passion for video games may be more problematic than I care to think about though or admit. I certainly hope, as much as I love JoustPong, that programming it didn't contribute!

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Nah, she's just a friend from work.


(My wife is soon-to-be-ex-wife, alas.)


Damn Kirk, that's a shame. :( I always have a hard time imagining what would cause couples to break up when the people I meet from AA are such genuine, nice, honorable people. I suspect our passion for video games may be more problematic than I care to think about though or admit. I certainly hope, as much as I love JoustPong, that programming it didn't contribute!

I'd tend to doubt it, but I do know she had an unrealistic view of how much time I spent playing games...

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