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z26 Version 2.12 Released


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z26.jpgVersion 2.12 of the excellent Atari 2600 emulator z26 has been released. This version adds a fair number of controller-related changes, adds support for the "EF" type bankswitching (to be used by Paul Slocum's upcoming Homestar Runner RPG), as well as support for the Stelladaptor 2600 to USB Interface. You can read the complete list of changes here, and download the latest version of z26 here.
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Yes, OS X really needs an updated Atari 2600 emulator. MacStella is a carbon version of Stella 1.2 so it will not run many newer games, and it does not support USB controllers so the Stelladaptor (or any other USB devices) cannot be used with it. I've already offered to send a free Stelladaptor to the first person who updates MacStella to the latest Stella source and adds HID (Human Interface Device) Manager support. Of course, a nice Cocoa port of z26 (with a nice front-end) would also make me happy. :)



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I really wish this emulator would go open source someday ...

That's not the problem (I am sure John and Eckhard wouldn't mind if somebody ported it to another platform), but since the emulator uses a lot of assembler, this is not as easy as porting C/C++ code

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Ok, I understand ;)

Then I will keep submitting things when I see them.


Thanks. :) Also, z26 we were well aware of because we worked closely with Eckhard Stolberg to update this version of z26 to add Stelladaptor support (not that I would have expected you to know that). This is one of the reasons z26 2.12 was released Monday (the Stelladaptor went on sale at PC5 last Saturday), so people who purchased the adaptor at the show could take advantage of the new paddle and driving controller support.



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since the emulator uses a lot of assembler, this is not as easy as porting C/C++ code


Nasm seems to do a good job. Although it's been a while since I did any assembly, I can't imagine it would be that hard to get it to work with nasm.


Of course, that still doesn't help Mac users... but oh well.



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We considered using NASM when we chose the environment for the Windows version of z26. But we decided against it, because it required so many changes that it would have almost been a complete rewrite. Now that computers have gotten so fast (and more importantly now that I have finally gotten a faster computer myself ;) ) it's more likely that we will rewrite routines in C code whenever something needs a bigger change. I have already done this in the newest version with the controller handling code. But since we are making bigger changes only very seldomly, it might take a really long time before this leads to a fully portable source code for z26.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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Just got my stelladaptor and downloaded the latest z26 executable file. I have the STelladaptor installed and whenever I try to run z26 I get a dialog box saying '-j option not valid' - I tried putting the -) and -)JS options in the command window with no luck - Any ideas?


This is on WinXP Pro that Im trying to run this! The previous version worked fine when I dropped .bin's on z26!

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This sounds like you might have accidentally created a Z26.CLI file in the past. It's either in the z26 install directory or in your ROMs directory. z26 creates this file when you start the emulator with command line options but without a filename. This is to allow you to make z26 remember command line options that you always want to use, like your favourite video mode.


If you find a Z26.CLI file in your z26 directory or your ROMs directory, you can either open it with a text editor and remove the -j command line option, or you can delete the file right away and have z26 create a new one for you when you always want to use certain command line options.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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Yes you can. I only removed the -j command line option and a couple of others, because they were no longer needed after I changed the controller handling code. If you want to swap both virtual controller ports, you can now use the -w command line option. And if you want to disable the the PC-joystick input, you can now use the -iJ command line option. This also allows you to disable keyboard, mouse or Stelladaptor input with K, M or S instead of or added after the J.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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it might take a really long time before this leads to a fully portable source code for z26.


Well, if nothing else, I hope you'll keep portability in mind during any future changes. Not only does it help out us non-Windows people, but it could also lead to neat things like Dreamcast, X-Box, or Palm Pilot ports.



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  • 3 weeks later...

The Windows version of z26 works fine under Win98. But for the time being it doesn't have a build-in GUI anymore. Therefore you have to use it from a DOS command line window. There is some information about using z26 from a command line in the manual, which is called README.TXT. If that doesn't help you, you might want to use an external GUI front end for z26. There is a link to x26 on the z26 homepage. Also there is a new article about setting up z26 and x26, which you can find from the AtariAge frontpage.



Ciao, Eckhard Stolberg

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...or just associate the .bin extension to open with Z26. If it's not already being used, just double-click a .bin file and Windows will ask you what program you want to use to open files with that extension (or shift-right-click the file and you will be given the choice "open with...". Then just browse over to where Z26.exe is and select it.

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  • 5 months later...

Hi there!


I've found that with Z26 I can't take snapshots unless I run it from a dos prompt.  Has anyone else had this problem?


Uhm you mean screenshots, or?


I can do some with the new versions, it's only that it seems to store them in "random" directories. I find them most of the time in C: or C:Windows for example, but very seldom in the directory where Z26 is located.




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I've found that with Z26 I can't take snapshots unless I run it from a dos prompt.  Has anyone else had this problem?

They are stored in your current directory. And if you start z26 by linking the extension to it, then they should be the directory of the game.


:idea: Tip: Write a small batch file which changes the directory (e.g CD C:z26") and then starts z26.exe, put it into the same directory and link the extension to the batch file instead. Then the screenshots should be in the z26.exe directory.


IMO z26 really needs some central ini file or registry entries.

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