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Picture of Jakks Pacific "Paddle" console.

Rhindle The Red

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Sorry if someone posted this already. (I checked and didn't see it.)


Amazon.com has a picture up of the latest Atari 2600 "TV Games" model from Jakks Pacific: the paddle model.


Seems they needed to change the controller a good bit to fit all the functions in.




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What it looks like is someone painted a paddle gloss black (poorly i might add) Glued it on top of a small remote controll that has also been painted gloss black and stuck some printed labels on it. Look at the "paddle controller" label. Looks like they masked that area off badly.



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Has the games list been published already?


BTW: Anybody noticed that the labels look uhm... suspicious?


Yes, the I noticed the suspicious labels also.

They are probably just placeholders on a prototype. It doesn't come out until May 15.


And this is no April Fool joke. It was announced quite a while ago. This is the first time I saw a picture, though.

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Has the games list been published already?


BTW: Anybody noticed that the labels look uhm... suspicious?


Yes, the I noticed the suspicious labels also.

They are probably just placeholders on a prototype. It doesn't come out until May 15.


And this is no April Fool joke. It was announced quite a while ago. This is the first time I saw a picture, though.


I just checked again...the Amazon listing is definitely the real deal since it displays my name in the "My Store" area. I hope the final design isn't so bulky though...

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I wonder if the paddle mechanism in this new unit is similar to the original's internal design.  In other words, will these be prone to the jittering issues that plague the original designs?


I can't imagine that it would be all that differant. IMHO the jitters are due to 20+ year old moveable components. Im not aware of a modern replacement for a potentiometer either.


The question I want to know, is there a way to utilize the emulator in these "systems" with other ROMS? Somehow build an external cart slot? use the emulator in a smaller case? IE portable 2600? I guess what Im asking, is there a ROM in the case with all the games on it?

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:idea: The hardware used isn't able to emulate the games and also not 100% compatible to the VCS, so its a mix between both. AFAIK the CPU is 99% compatible to the 6507 used in the VCS, so "normal" external hardware indepentent code can be executed directly. But TIA has to be emulated.


The big problem in emulation are the graphics, which are very expensive (CPU power) to emulate. So instead of trying to emulate the TIA graphics, you analyze the game to find out e.g. where in the RAM (or registers) the graphics pattern, positions and colors of the objects are stored. And then you recreate those graphics by using a completely different hardware device.


The same is true for all input devices (joysticks, paddles, switches).

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That's ... fugly.


I mean really, really fugly.


I hope that's a proto mockup. It needs work. It's cool that they want it to look like an original paddle and all, but they could make a FEW concessions for the sake of streamlining it and making it look less like a bowling shoe.

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That's ... fugly.


I mean really, really fugly.


I hope that's a proto mockup.  It needs work.  It's cool that they want it to look like an original paddle and all, but they could make a FEW concessions for the sake of streamlining it and making it look less like a bowling shoe.

I'd be *very* surprised if the final product differed by much. They wouldn't have bothered to send the image to amazon if it wasn't pretty darn close to the real thing.

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But how could you even get your hand around that thing to hit the button? You'd pretty much have to hold it in your left hand and trigger it with your thumb -- unless there are buttons on either side. Even then it'd be awkward -- the weight distribution would be away from the paddle. Surely Jak's could have come up with a better design than this... at least the joystick was ergonomic, if bulky -- though no more so than the original wireless Atari joysticks.

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