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atari2600land's Blog - Clubhouse Games


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Finally, after years of waiting, Nintendo released Mah-Jongg stateside! Not only that, but solitaire, poker, billiards, bowling, and a whole bunch of other games in the Clubhouse Games collection. I need to play it more, but the only ones I've played so far are Mah-Jong and Solitaire, and if the other games are as good as these, I recommend this pack.


As for the new news. They're going to close the street I live on for a couple nights. I don't know why they have to close the whole street down from Wal-Mart south. I guess the city didn't want Wal-Mart to lose any business (it's open 24 hours.) And, along with that, we might get snow on Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully we get some, and this time it might accumulate a little! A big cold arctic air mass is coming our way and it's going to dip into Oregon this time. That might get pretty interesting.



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