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EricBall's Tech Projects - nope, no round tuit here


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Well, I haven't touched Leprechaun in over a month. I thought I might find the time over the holidays, but the drive simply wasn't there. Sigh


Big news on the home front is my mother in law is in town 'cause my wife had jaw surgery to fix her overbite. She's not wired shut, but she is swollen and on a liquid diet. I don't think either of us were prepared for the full impact. Ah, well; it's a temporary thing.


My son is having fun playing New Super Mario Bros on his DS, although I think he's replaying the same levels. Whatever. At least he's building up his experience & not getting so frustrated. I think he finds Super Mario 64 DS too hard for the moment.


Since he's playing the DS, I've put some batteries in the GameBoy pocket and I'm playing Pokemon Blue. I figure my son will probably get Diamond for the DS at some point, so I might as well have some experience myself.


I also treated myself on the weekend to some classic GoldenEye action. Of coure, when I first grabbed the controller my hands went to the outside prongs and I had to look down to figure out why it felt wrong.


I've also started some eBay wishlists using ("Title 1", "Title 2") searches for specific N64, GCN & PSX titles. I'm going to keep my bids criminally low and only bid on one thing at a time so my wife doesn't complain too much. I've already won Blast Corps, though I lost on Shadows of the Empire from the same seller. Oh well...




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