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Mord's Blog - new mp3 player


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I broke down and bought a new (cheapish) mp3 player to listen to at work. I've been using my failing cd/mp3 player (uses cd-r's) for a while since the last mp3 player started to break down in the earphone connector. overall it was just 10 dollars more expensive than the last one but I don't really expect it to be much better than the old one. Still, this one wasn't on as big of a sale as the last one when I bought it so... Listening to the sound on it, it seemed to be about the same as the old, which is inferior to my cd/mp3 player. Guess I'm just use to having bass-boost on etc.


I have a $25 dollar gift certificate for ebgames from christmas still. Not entirely sure what game I'll end up getting although some of the ones I've looked at just aren't released yet. Since new releases hit stores on Tuesdays (only took me a few years to notice that. :ponder: ) I'll drop by ebgames today on the way to work.


For the rom, one thing I forgot I was going to do was reposition the display code to the front of the rom. Guess that'll be my plan for the week.





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