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EricBall's Tech Projects - GCN First Impressions of Zelda: Wind Waker


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One of the things my mother-in-law brought with her was her copy of Wind Waker. Last night I sat down for an hour or so and played through the intro island. I really enjoyed playing both N64 Zeldas (though I prefer Occarina to Majora) and my hands instantly "remembered" the controls; pressing R to shift the camera and still pressing A to jump :-).


The big change from the N64 Zeldas is, of course, the cell-shaded style graphics. My first thoughts were "ick, ugh, how annoying and distracting." But once I got into playing I noticed it less, so there's hope. Also, everything is still 3-D, so it's not like Paper Mario with 2-D characters in a 3-D world. Hmm... I'll have to check out the shadows the next time I play.


The story set-up is also radically different from the N64 Zeldas; although I could see the sister-napping coming from the first "Big Brother". (Although I thought I might have been wrong when the sassy pirate first appeared.) It will be interesting to see whether saving the sister remains the driving force behind the game, or whether Link simply assumes the mantle of hero to rid the world of evil.




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