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jboypacman's Blog - Scam artists have no place here!


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Am sure everyone know by now about Steve Mcfadden aka Juan Dixon aka Psycho Penquin.His this scam artist that was trying to sell things here on the AA marketplace.I myself was almost taken in by this guy.I had put up a post on in the wanted section for 2 Turbografx-16 games,Tiger Road and Ghost Manor with case and manual and if possiable the Hu-card sleeve.I got a PM sometime later from "Juan"saying he had these and he would be willing to sell them to me for $30 shipped for both.A great deal for sure but there was a catch he doesnt have paypal so i would have to send him a money order.The bells went off a little bit in my head.Am very careful when sending a money order to someone.I would perfer them to have a paypal account i feel safer that way.But,then i thought to myself "It will be ok.This is the AA marketplace and i havnt had any problems so far."Everyones innnocent untill proven guilty.Well in Mister Mcfadden's case he was proven guilty.Thanks to a warning from CPUWIZ and a link to the DP forums which had 4 pages of complants filed about this guy.He's now banned from AtariAge thanks to Albert and i hope he never shows up here again.Scam artists have no place here!Am a little more than upset by this because we are all here because we love Atari and all other videogames.We should be able to trust one another so if we want to buy,trade,or sell to each other we can with no worries.I typed out a bit on the marketplace about how i felt about this some how in the hopes Mister Mcfadden would see what i had to say.I said i was sorry to anyone if i was out of line but this was what i was feeling and it had to be said. I get a little long-winded and passionate about certain things sometimes and i can ramble on a bit but it is almost always about something i believe in or feel strong about.The emotions take over that sort of thing.Dont worry it doesnt happen too offen.I will be back to my mindless banter the next blog.So on that note i wanted to say so long to Steve Mcfadden,nice not knowing you.



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