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Jagfsest @ MGC?

Dan Iacovelli

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MGC is 6 months away(june 9th and 10th).

I need to know who is going be helping me

with Jagfest section this year. last years section was

depressing with just me and tom

this year: I would to expand the section a bit:

have at least 5 or 6 Jaguars networked for BS,Doom, and aircars(these could be

swtiched back and forth since BS is basicly the only game to connected up 6 or

more while the others are 2)

2 free standing jaguars(one with CD rom and the other with out) this way we have

one jag to show off the carts side and one to show off the CD side(even play a

couple CDs as well)

Also if possible,maybe we could have a nuon there as well since it condsidered a

second generation jag.

(we can keep Tom's Lynx display as is, with no changes)

if anybody has any other ideas or who is planning to come and help

with the section. please let me know (there is chance I might need

a working Jag CD attachment,mine is working but in a weird way

reads CDs fine,but the only cart that it reads is the mem cart

I did clean it a couple times no change I don't really want

to open it up because I'm affaird it might break. I'll let you know)

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