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jboypacman's Blog - Random ramblings, Jboypacman style.


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After my last long-winded blog about scam artists i thought it would be nice to go back to my random ramblings which i havnt done in a while.So here we go.......


Bloody Wolf for the Turbografx-16 is just awesome! I cant imagine why this game didnt get ported over to any other game systems at the time.I could see this being on the Sega Genesis or even on the NES.


Am really torn with Donkey Kong 64.I think its a masterpiece in a lot of ways for the Nintendo64 but at the same time i get bored with it and dont want to play it for any length of time.


Montazuma's Revenge for the Atari 2600 is the best version of this game i have played.Well,worth my trade with Doug(Diggs).I traded my Atari 5200 copy for his 2600 copy.


In a few days my package of homebrew games should arrived from the Atariage store.Am really chopping at the bit to play all the games i ordered.Crazy Balloon,This Planet Sucks!,Rainbow Invaders,7800 Pac-Man Collection,Toyshop Trouble,and Ladybug.


My friend Neonesmaster gave me a call and told me he has a few extra Colecovision games and a Intellivision game for i need to get over to his place and pick them up.I just wonder what games they are and if i have them already.


I have been playing alot of my Atari 2600 and Turbografx-16 the last few weeks.My Nintendo64 has seen some action too.I need to do some rotation again and play some of my other game systems.Maybe after i get thoses extra games from Neonesmaster.


Well,thats it.Take care everyone and see you on the forums.Hope you enjoy reading my random ramblings.






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