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SuperPsycho's Blog - Oh, wow, going so so fast.


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well... not really...


This was taken a couple months ago or so. while I was working in Kirkland at a store location that was being moved out of a dead mall known as the Totem Lake Mall to a new stand alone building that was more appropriate for it. I was doing this for 6 weeks 5 days a week... I'd take highway 169 from Maple Valley to renton and then I'd get on I-405 all the way up until I'd hit Kirkland. Rush hour lasts approx. 5hours on I405 and it's only getting worse... though I really don't think I'll ever really understand why the call it "rush" hour.. I think it should be called "slug" hour or something else equally more appropriate, cuz there's not much rushing going on.


I think anyone who does a drive like that year round day in day out, is entirly nuts...


This picture pretty much embodies the entire drive on 405, both ways. Though the needle often hits zero.. and maybe if your lucky, tops out at about 30Mph.


Makes me love the 3mile drive I have to my normal location all the more.



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