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atari2600land's Blog - Arthur & the Invisibles


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Keeping my promise of an Arthur & the Invisibles review soon, here it is in all its glory.


I wish this game was invisible. That way nobody else could play it. The setup is confusing, with B for jumping (in every decent game, itÂ’s A) and the action button is A. (It should be switched around.)


I didnÂ’t expect very much, seeing as how itÂ’s based off a movie, and games based on movies are usually sub-par, and with this one, it didnÂ’t disappoint.


The second level is impossible because the controls are so bad. Arthur can jump, but he canÂ’t jump very far up. I guess the old saying is true: white men canÂ’t jump. There are too many enemies in this level, which makes it impossible to fight all of them.


And the thing with lives is that theyÂ’re displayed in the form of hearts. Once you lose all of them, the game is over, which is stupid because itÂ’s a one-hit and youÂ’re dead game. And I HATE those kind of games. YouÂ’d think by 2007, game companies would have learned from MarioÂ’s power-ups, but no.


No, I havenÂ’t seen the movie, and IÂ’m afraid it wouldnÂ’t help if I did. And while the movie might be good, the game certainly isnÂ’t.



Graphics: 7.0 - I must say it does have nice graphicsÂ…

Game Design: 3.0 - Â…but when the overall game is stupid, does that really matter?

Fun: 2.0

Total: 2.0


Next up: Dark Light (that is, if I can find it.) The game should be out by this weekend.



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