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What will happen if....

Rockin' Kat

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...what will happen if I try to turn an working Atari Lynx on with no game inserted?

will the power light come on when there is no game inserted?

will the back light in the screen come on?


I ask because I picked one up at the Goodwill for 99 cents but I couldn't find any games for it and I've never so much as seen one up close before...so I really don't know much about it...


The power (on?) button (the one closest to the power light) is recessed on this Lynx. It still pops back up when I push it but I'm wondering if it's really supposed to be recessed like it is.


Thank you.

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...what will happen if I try to turn an working Atari Lynx on with no game inserted?

will the power light come on when there is no game inserted?

will the back light in the screen come on?


I ask because I picked one up at the Goodwill for 99 cents but I couldn't find any games for it and I've never so much as seen one up close before...so I really don't know much about it...


The power (on?) button (the one closest to the power light) is recessed on this Lynx.  It still pops back up when I push it but I'm wondering if it's really supposed to be recessed like it is.

Thank you.


Great deal you found on the Lynx.


When you press the power button, the Lynx will not

turn on, unless a game is inserted. This means no

power light, no backlight, nothing.


No need to worry, the power button is supposed to be

recessed somewhat. As long as you can comfortably

press the button, it shouldn't be a problem.


If you Private message me your mailing address,

SuperPsycho, I'll hook you up with a free 'mystery'

game, so you can enjoy your new lynx.

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Great Find for 99 cents! ...and YES, the "on" button, which is just below the amber colored power LED, is slightly recessed.


As for what happens when the power button is pressed when there is no game installed... Well I have 3 Lynx II units and I put them all to the test. If I press the off button first then the on button, the power LED will flicker for a split second.


I hope this helps you in some small way... As for games, check out ebay! CLICK HERE There is a lot for sell and you can get some games for less then $5.00.


Have fun with your find!!!

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As for what happens when the power button is pressed when there is no game installed... Well I have 3 Lynx II units and I put them all to the test. If I press the off button first then the on button, the power LED will flicker for a split second.


When I tried this my Lynx didn't make it's Light flicker.

I know the batteries are good, I just checked them in my Game Gear.


I plucked the cover off the screen to clean under it and found some icky oily crud was all over the sides of the Option two button.


I think my Lynx has been opened...one of the rubber things is missing and when I remove the other one I can see the holes...the glue sheet or whatever it is has been punctured...

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Maybe someone spilled something in there.

That can't be good. It definately sounds as if

it was taken apart by someone else. Have you

looked at the main board? Does it appear



I found a two dozen boxful of similarly

returned or 'rejected' lynxes, opened and

at various stages of functionality. Some

with completely corroded circuit boards.

Some that will not power up, even with a

game. Some will start up, but show no

picture; Some will have no sound. Some

with broken leds. Others, where only a

power adapter will work, but not batteries,

etc. So I mixed and matched the working

parts into a handful of fully working units.


But without a game, it's hard to really know

if your Lynx will work. But there's still hope.

Let us know what happens when you try a



p.s. Your game is on the way.

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As far as if it works or not....I like fixing things..I've fixed a few things here and there... I've re-soldered cracked solder joints,..and done a few modifications to my Game consoles...and I'm contemplating giving my TI-85 a back light for it's screen this summer now that I'm not depending on it that much.


Tommorow, if I get time, I'll follow the instructions in the Lynx FAQ and open it to see what there is to see....and to get the screen cover on all the way, I can't get one of the tabs to go back into place.



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If I press the off button first then the on button, the power LED will flicker for a split second.


I can confirm that this happens on my Lynx II as well. Sometimes the screen itself will flicker slightly, and you may hear a pop from the speakers. I've also commonly seen the LED flicker when I plug in the AC adapter (but just the LED).



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Well, I opened it up.... if I had known what a pain it would be to reconect that flex circuit I'd never have opened it....(I was able to reconect it though)


I couldn't find anything that looked damaged. When I removed the screen I found that whatever that oily crap was, it didn't get very far, so there wasn't anything to clean up.


I'm wondering though, if perhaps the reason you get that flicker is because a cap is discharging stored energy.... can you make it do it again after youve done it a few times with out inserting a cartridge in?

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I'm wondering though, if perhaps the reason you get that flicker is because a cap is discharging stored energy.... can you make it do it again after youve done it a few times with out inserting a cartridge in?


Thats right...The flicker is just a discharge off one of the caps. That's why it only flickers for a split second and just the once


As for your unit, I bet it's OK... I would try the free game that Nimtene is sending you first before you worry about if the game is working or not!


By the way Nimtene, Thats KOOL that you are sending him a free mystry game... What did you do, send him Kung Food??? :D

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I'm wondering though, if perhaps the reason you get that flicker is because a cap is discharging stored energy.... can you make it do it again after youve done it a few times with out inserting a cartridge in?


Actually, I was able to do it about 20 times in a row... although the light gets dimmer every time. You're probably right though. If your Lynx hasn't had power in a very long time, it might not do that. However, I should mention that capacitors store energy for surprisingly long amounts of time. I have a 2600 Jr whose light will turn on without power even weeks after it's been plugged in.



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A Lynx without cart can't be turned on because two lines on the cartridge need to be shorted to give the Lynx power. You can do this without cartridge by opening your Lynx and soldering a wire from pin 33 to pin 31 on the cartridge connector. When you now turn your Lynx on you will see the message "INSERT GAME".

The fun part is that some games continue running for a while when you remove the cart.



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What did you do, send him Kung Food???

Hey, why does everyone need to talk trash about Kung

Food? Am I the only one that can appreciate the merits

of it? It has it's problems, sure, but I think it's good

quirky fun; And I'm not ashamed to say that I enjoy

playing it. Honestly!


Needless to say, it would not be a Mystery, if I revealed

the game. But maybe SuperPsycho will give a heads

up to us, when he gets it, and tests the lynx.

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What did you do, send him Kung Food???

Hey, why does everyone need to talk trash about Kung

Food? Am I the only one that can appreciate the merits

of it? It has it's problems, sure, but I think it's good

quirky fun; And I'm not ashamed to say that I enjoy

playing it. Honestly!


Needless to say, it would not be a Mystery, if I revealed

the game. But maybe SuperPsycho will give a heads

up to us, when he gets it, and tests the lynx.


Oh wise and mysterious poet,

Could you send me one of your dozen Lynx

units which are in various states of disrepair

so that I may too enjoy portable Atari gaming

or at the very least attempt to bring a unit

back to the realm of the living

If you can do this and send a working cartridge

I will wish many years of good fortune

upon your kind and generous soul

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