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Video 61 games!


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I printed them to size on HP everyday photo paper. Then I let them dry and apply clear laminent and press it down with something hard like the end of a screwdriver handle with the backing of the laminent sheet (to protect the plastic from scratches) I then used a papercutter to cut them to size! Then rounded off the edges carefully with scissors!

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Here are some games I bought from Video 61, I did my own labels :)


I would like to buy Mean 18 but I can't find it on their pages...




He's got them. Send him an email. This is also a prototype from Atari, not a hacked game! Says © Copyright 1989 Atari Corp. :)

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Here are some games I bought from Video 61, I did my own labels :)


I would like to buy Mean 18 but I can't find it on their pages...




Ooh, I don't know if I'd do that. Mean 18, IMO, is the absolute worst cartridge game for the A8 line...and that includes such stellar company as Hypnotic Land and Jinks. I realize that this is an unfinished proto, but ugh.


I bought my copy of Mean 18 as a bank-switchable XEGS game from one of B&C's other pirated XEGS games. It sure as hell is the only way that I'd part money for this piece o' crap. :)

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Ooh, I don't know if I'd do that. Mean 18, IMO, is the absolute worst cartridge game for the A8 line...and that includes such stellar company as Hypnotic Land and Jinks. I realize that this is an unfinished proto, but ugh.


Sadly it's not an unfinished proto, this was as finished as it was going to get...



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Kinda depressing when you think how many protos are still out there: Xenophobe, Ninja Golf, Skyfox, Liberator...



Atari Frog



Well Liberator has never been found, we just know that it was worked on at one point. Xenophobe and Mat Mainia are the only two games I know of that have known prototypes that haven't been dumped yet.



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Wasn't Curt Vendel in touch with the programmer of Liberator a few years ago? Ninja Golf was programmed as well (says the coder of the 7800 version). Someone at Infogrames is believed to have a copy of Skyfox...


I'm sure Tempest has more information but there are at least 20-25 games from Atari out there... Hard to say how many are finished products but you're bound to find a number of educational games on disk, Elevator Action, some stuff from Atari's UK division, Borrowing Money / Saving Money, Winter Games (the box exists) and probably a lot more odd stuff from the early days... Curt also posted a memo some time ago with release dates, I can't find it right now though...


Pretty certain there are also Tigervision, Epyx, Activision, Datasoft, Synapse Software... protos. Two titles from Roklan as well...



Atari Frog


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I recently made a deal to purchase an Atari collection from someone who was close to Atari. I think he said his Dad had a friend inside, so he would always get disks with new and unreleased stuff on them. He mentioned one of the disks had The Last Starfighter and other protos on it, which I know is now commonly available, but there may be something in the collection that hasn't been found yet. I plan on archiving all the disks when I get them and will look for anything that hasn't made it out yet.

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