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mame and zookeeper help please


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Hey at all,


don't be to hard with coresyno. He already learned how to type lowercase.


One time he will notice that questions with correct and full sentences are easier to understand and therefore get more constructive answers.




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I got everything the cats looking for.. but I'm not going to just drop it down..


And why not may I ask !!!


well..as a responsible user of the MAME technology.. how can I be assured that the person asking for the rom is in possession of the actual rom itself?

why.. if I were to arbitrarily just drop down the rom.. why I would be guilty of pirating.. and atariage.com is not in the business of making such intellectual property readily available on its forums.

now while I may or may not be in possession of said rom image, and I may or may not be in possession of the actual chips that make all this happen.. I cannot in good conscious direct a direct download, or put said intellectual property on this website, I can only provide you with information in which to obtain the information you are looking for.. anything else is risking liability on myself and on those that operate the website in question, i.e. atariage.com because as you see.. the knowledge is not illegal, but its the use of that knowledge that potentially can be..illegal


and since I like hanging out on AA, I will, at this point, choose not to piss in my bed

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