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Got my Monitors! (Slightly OT)


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Ok guys, as some of you may recall I was trying to buy a monitor so I could set up my Atari again after a LONG hiatus!!! Well today I made a very good deal and in the bargain now have a ton of Commodore stuff. So tomorrow I will be setting my 800XL back up and will take some pics so everyone can see :)


In case anyone is interested here is what I got for $100


1902A monitor

Magnavox monitor (Identical to the 1902A)


2x Commodore 128

1x Commodore 64c

3x 5 1/4 Disk Drives

1x 3 1/2 Disk Drives

6 Joysticks

2x Okidata 120 Printers

All the cables and PSU's

An old power strip with the switches to turn everything on and off separately

About 1000 disks (obviously mostly pirate stuff but some loose original games)

About 20 full games with cases and all instructions (Mostly EA games like seven cities of gold etc)

A ton of books

Some Carts (freeze frame, Speed carts, Currah speech, and some others I don't know yet)


I'm definitely keeping the Monitors but not sure what I'm going to do with the Commodore stuff yet. I'm thinking of keeping one of them and maybe a couple of disk drives and selling the rest. on ebay... Anyone have any thoughts on this? Should I keep it all? and if I do keep some of it would a 128 be better or the 64c, and how many disk drives would be best, 2?


Anyway thanks for reading and I'm looking forward to getting my Atari back up... I'm sorry for putting Commodore stuff in here, but I know you guys are cool about helping out as best you can...

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Well if you have an extra disk drive cable I need one of those. I got a C64 disk drive but it didn't come with a cable unfortunately.




I'll take a look tomorrow, but if I recall each drive came with one cable and I don't want to separate the drives from the cables... I'll let you know...

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Well if you have an extra disk drive cable I need one of those. I got a C64 disk drive but it didn't come with a cable unfortunately.




I'll take a look tomorrow, but if I recall each drive came with one cable and I don't want to separate the drives from the cables... I'll let you know...


Haven't had time to have a good look yet, but at first glance it appears I wont have an extra... But I'll post if I find one... Anyone know how much a 3 1/2 inch Commodore 1581 disk drive would go for? I'm thinking I wouldn't use that one as much and probably will be the first thing I sell

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Well if you have an extra disk drive cable I need one of those. I got a C64 disk drive but it didn't come with a cable unfortunately.




Seems i have a couple of disk drive cables spare....


How much do they go for?

What part of the world are you in? (and just to make sure I am looking at the right thing it's the cable that has the round plugs that goes 6 pin to 6 pin right?)

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I think I'm going to keep the monitors and two of the drives and one of the 128's... That leaves 2 drives, 1 64c and 1 128 (as well as the two printers) up for sale I'm offering it here before I go to Ebay so any offers PM me...


And again thanks for everyone that has helped me here in the last few months... I promise all future posts will be Atari specific :)

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