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I don't know if I should post this here... but I wanted to give everyone a brief intro of myself since I am new to this forum.... Oops! Sorry I posted in the wrong place...


I am NOT new to the scene, though... I have been in the 8-bit arena since about 1987 or so. I got into the bbs realm shortly after that and then acquired my own bbs around 1994-95? It was Iron Horse bbs in Phoenix, AZ. I ran it for a couple years until I had a fatal crash which I never recovered from. Also, I took over the PAUGS bbs for a short time... til my crash. This was the NWPAC's user group's bbs which they turned over to me just shortly before they dis-banded circa 95 or 96? While I was sysop, I took over as coordinator of the USF net of the Atari 8-bit bbses here and abroad (IAN). I wasn't officially in charge of IAN, though. At that time, there was about a dozen, or so, bbses in the US and a few in Canada and there were a few in the IAN which were abroad... such as Netherlands.


Well, that's a brief intro of myself.... I still LOVE to tinker around with the old games, etc!!! Thank goodness for the emulator... Atari800Win Plus... I really would be LOST if I didn't have that!


I, unfortunately, lost ALL of my 8-bit stuff, including the Iron Horse and PAUGS bbs setups due to mounting storage fees which I could not pay at the time! It is a VERY unfortunate thing and I really wished now that I had paid the fee... NO MATTER what! I LOST ALOT of history which who knows what happened to it now??? I just HOPE that it fell in the right hands or is handled in the manner that it should be!!!


Nite Hacker (handle I have used for over 10 years now!)

Edited by NiteHacker
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