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How many titles for the the 8-bit game console


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Does anybody know how many games were released for the Atari 8-bit game console? (I need it for a school project).

I can't find a "complete" list on the internet and I hope that AtariAge can help me.

The biggest list that I've found contains nearly 5000 game titles, but I don't know if that's correct, or not.

Please help.

Thank you in advance.




Please don't blame me if this topic was posted in the wrong section.

I'm new in here and english isn't my native language

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Any reply posted in this forum will also be based on the assumption that you're referring to the XEGS, a video game console based on the A8 computer line that had a limited production run around 1987-1988. Atari released very few dedicated titles for this machine, but it could play most of the existing A8 North American game library.


NTB: the 2600,5200,7800, and Lynx are all "8-bit" as well, so it might be prudent to make sure that you've identified the right machine. :)

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There's Atarimania, I think that's the most complete list you'll get. Not sure how complete it is though.

Considering the number of educational programs, public domain titles, type-ins from both magazines and books not in the database yet, I'm pretty confident we'll reach the 9,000 mark at least...



Atari Frog


Edited by www.atarimania.com
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There's Atarimania, I think that's the most complete list you'll get. Not sure how complete it is though.

Considering the number of educational programs, public domain titles, type-ins from both magazines and books not in the database yet, I'm pretty confident we'll reach the 9,000 mark at least...



Atari Frog



That's incredible! Are there more Atari games than any other classic computer?

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Wow! I remember seeing Commodore computers in K-Mart. I didn't see an Atari computer until last year. Having them on display at K-Mart probably helped them sell.

Atari overpriced their computers (especially outside the US), and their marketing was terrible. They did very well with the 2600, but did too little to support the poor A8. Now, an A8 with a Maria chip - that would have been something indeed.


The Tramiel era saw the A8 abandoned, and the ST was always the poor relation of the Amiga, except where MIDI was concerned.


Ahhh, hindsight.

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The first time I ever saw an Atari 800 computer was, as a matter of fact, in a K-mart. Probably in '80 or '81. I remember beinging very interested in it, but my mother was in a hurry and wouldn't let me look for very long. After that it slipped from my memory for many years (that I HAD seen it in a K-mart; this was in the Chicago area by the way). I only had a Telstar Alpha pong unit until '84 when we finally go a 2600 when it was at bargain bin prices during the great crash. Besides that I was into Apple computers from school and had heard/seen the C64 and played with a VIC20. In '85 I bought the Atari 130XE and only after that did I remember the 800. Of course I do remember the Alan Alda 800XL commercials in the early 80's...


But speaking strictly of commercial programs and not PD or magazine stuff, I wouldn't be suprised if it were between 3-5 thousand and including PD software and other non-commercial stuff, well over 10,000.


But I would also suspect that 100's or thousands of PD, shareware, freeware, magazine, etc. programs are also lost forever.

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