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Dark Tower (Milton Bradley) for Lynx...


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So... how feasable would this be for a Lynx game? I know I would personably buy it. I don't know much about programming, but I though about possibly learning it in order to make this game and possibly give back to the Lynx community in some way or another.


Would it be possible? I'd like to think so. Look at my favorite Flash version of this popular board game:




I could imagine most of this being in an Atai Lynx game. Off to the left side of the screen, you could have the Dark Tower... just as it is in this game. Then off to the left... just as in the flash game... show one quadrant at a time. You can't advance anyways until you find the key.


As for the pop-up thing that say "end turn".... etc... you could simply put a text menu on the bottom of the screen. A bit like the text menu in Dracula. As for a status card... Perhaps a digital status card... or if there is a way to make it flash up when you push pause.... that would work.


Either way... I personally think it would be a good game to play on a lynx. How do you all feel about it... or am I simply wearing rose colored glasses here because I love the game so much?


Imagine turning on your Lynx... Imagine firing it up and the beginning screen loads like the beginning of this flash game here:




( I magine the loading screen could look like this... and the game for that matter. I just like the mechanics of the first one I posted. It makes you follow the rules lol)



It could be wishful thinking... but wouldn't it work as a game? Songbird... what do you think? Surely... after aquiring board game rights on some things (yes... I know... not the Dark Tower)... wouldn't this be a game that would sell? I know I would buy it.


What about others out there?

Edited by EricDeLee
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So... how feasable would this be for a Lynx game? I know I would personably buy it. I don't know much about programming, but I though about possibly learning it in order to make this game and possibly give back to the Lynx community in some way or another.


Would it be possible? I'd like to think so. Look at my favorite Flash version of this popular board game:




I could imagine most of this being in an Atai Lynx game. Off to the left side of the screen, you could have the Dark Tower... just as it is in this game. Then off to the left... just as in the flash game... show one quadrant at a time. You can't advance anyways until you find the key.


As for the pop-up thing that say "end turn".... etc... you could simply put a text menu on the bottom of the screen. A bit like the text menu in Dracula. As for a status card... Perhaps a digital status card... or if there is a way to make it flash up when you push pause.... that would work.


Either way... I personally think it would be a good game to play on a lynx. How do you all feel about it... or am I simply wearing rose colored glasses here because I love the game so much?


Imagine turning on your Lynx... Imagine firing it up and the beginning screen loads like the beginning of this flash game here:




( I magine the loading screen could look like this... and the game for that matter. I just like the mechanics of the first one I posted. It makes you follow the rules lol)



It could be wishful thinking... but wouldn't it work as a game? Songbird... what do you think? Surely... after aquiring board game rights on some things (yes... I know... not the Dark Tower)... wouldn't this be a game that would sell? I know I would buy it.


What about others out there?

If you could find a programmer I might be interested in doing the graphic work for a Lynx version. Who owns the rights to this game anyways? That might be the only issue if you wanted a Lynx version.

Edited by EmOneGarand
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If you could find a programmer I might be interested in doing the graphic work for a Lynx version.


I am pretty far in a true conversion of an old multiplayer adventure game called HeroQuest. But currently I lack isometric graphics for the entire game. If you or someone else is interested drop me a line.


I already have all the graphics in a full-color top-down view but they need to be re-drawn from a side-angle in 16 colors.


The game compiles already on the Lynx and it is also fully playable on Windows and Linux. All development will take place on Windows/linux platforms with only the final port going on the Lynx.


Google for screenshots for Amiga Gremlin HeroQuest



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I am pretty far in a true conversion of an old multiplayer adventure game called HeroQuest. But currently I lack isometric graphics for the entire game. If you or someone else is interested drop me a line.

Why not do it top down like this version? :D


As a matter of fact I am writing exactly that version. I have been coding together with Gerwin Broers for a year or so. But the Lynx does not have a screen big enough and the game still lacks real connectivity over ComLynx or internet. The game engine also lacks spells so there is still some programming to do.


The coding was halted for too long because of MegaPak but now I hope to get started on this again.


The game engine is already compiled as an isometric engine for the Lynx but the graphics is top-down. I believe I lack around 200 bitmaps to be able to run the current set of adventures. The game will be at least 512k, most likely much more.


But the interesting part is that it should be possible to ComLynx several Lynxes or pass around one Lynx as this is a turn-based game.


I cannot show a huge playfield as you do on Windows or Linux so I rather do it like it was on the Amiga and Atari ST and show just one room and a piece of the corridors.




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Nobody has the right to make a Dark Tower game. That's why it became so rare.





However... it can be altered. Simple alterations are what the hacks are all about. Her's my spin on things. If I was to program it, I'd mainly do it for myself. I think a lot of programers do that as well. My take on it... I would actually like two versions of it. One like the first Flash game I linked. With all of the MB Dark Tower logos and everything. It would be a personal project.


The other spin I'd like to put on it: I'm a Dark Tower/Stephen King Fan. The Dark Tower obviously connects to King's books (or could be). I'd keep the rules very very similar. Perhaps call one qudrant of the gameboard the desert. Call another section Calla... etc. Even nice little graphics for each quadrant. Simply advance through the game, add a lot of Gunslinger quotes, situations, or plots. And there you have it. Eventually... Roland could reach the tower... The sections in the middle of the quadrants could be The Beams... etc etc etc. I think it would be really cool.


Now... I'm sure the latter can not be made. Not actually sold to the public (unless ol' Stevie gives the okay). But the first... well... we could write some letters/emails. It would be a great game.


Risk would work as well. I'm more of a Dark Tower fan... but I'd play risk on the Lynx.

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If you could find a programmer I might be interested in doing the graphic work for a Lynx version.


I am pretty far in a true conversion of an old multiplayer adventure game called HeroQuest. But currently I lack isometric graphics for the entire game. If you or someone else is interested drop me a line.


I already have all the graphics in a full-color top-down view but they need to be re-drawn from a side-angle in 16 colors.


The game compiles already on the Lynx and it is also fully playable on Windows and Linux. All development will take place on Windows/linux platforms with only the final port going on the Lynx.


Google for screenshots for Amiga Gremlin HeroQuest



How many layouts did this game have?

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I cannot show a huge playfield as you do on Windows or Linux so I rather do it like it was on the Amiga and Atari ST and show just one room and a piece of the corridors.





The lynx is actually a very powerful machine for scaling pictures. How about haveing the ability to view a world map/huge playfield, and then to zoom in to where the curent action is? Doable? or maybe to inconvienant from a players standpoint?

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If you could find a programmer I might be interested in doing the graphic work for a Lynx version.


I am pretty far in a true conversion of an old multiplayer adventure game called HeroQuest. But currently I lack isometric graphics for the entire game. If you or someone else is interested drop me a line.


I already have all the graphics in a full-color top-down view but they need to be re-drawn from a side-angle in 16 colors.


The game compiles already on the Lynx and it is also fully playable on Windows and Linux. All development will take place on Windows/linux platforms with only the final port going on the Lynx.


Google for screenshots for Amiga Gremlin HeroQuest



How many layouts did this game have?


It has a built-in adventure creator. The whole playfield is 26 squares wide and 19 squares high. It can be split into rooms, houses, caves whatever. The walls do not eat up space. There is plenty of quests with different playfields. The room layouts can also be dynamically created with a dungeon creator.


The reason I fell in love with the game was the music and atmosphere in the original Amiga game.




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The reason I fell in love with the game was the music and atmosphere in the original Amiga game.




I just want to say I agree. The atmosphere and music in HeroQuest is very cool indeed. I especially like the eerie intro music! I still have and play the PC version of this game (also had the original board game, but never played the Amiga version though). The gameplay is really quite simple but it's great fun! A Lynx version would be very nice. Are you planning to use the same characters as in the original game? And the same story/quests? Maybe some Lynx exclusive enhancements? ;)


Edit: @ EricDeLee. Im sure a Lynx version of Dark Tower would be very cool too :)

Edited by SwedenLynxer
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I tried out the NES version on an Emulator to get a feel for the game.. it'd be really nice on the Lynx, I made a tile for a lynx version it's not as close to the original (needs to be squared) but I think it looks nice with the limited palette. I tried that Dark Towers (the flash game) don't quite know how you'd translate that into a video game since it's emulating the board game somewhat.


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