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Ok, I have my Atari 800xl set back up and I have my PC nearby... I'm thinking of buying the SIO2PC from AtariMax. However my dilemma is that I have a ton of software already and there isn't really anything else I foresee wanting to buy to play. Therefore my justification for buying the SIO2PC is selling off the software. However looking at Ebay I don't really see a market any longer for Atari Carts or Disks, everything is either ultra rare (which I don't have) or selling for about 99c or so (and I may as well just keep it at that rate)...


So anyone have any ideas???



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Keep the originals and find a way to scrape up the $$ for the SIO2PC cable. I dont want to dump my originals either and the SIO2PC makes it easy to get a game on quickly :)


Put the originals behind a Trophy case as something to show off and play the SIO I say!


That may be the plan. But I may get rid of some of my common stuff just to free up space, I mean I can play pacman multiple ways :)

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You can build your own SIO2PC for about 5 bucks.


Software sold as individual items is kinda pointless.


But, bundles of half a dozen or more would probably be more successful.


That's what I was thinking, For example I have about 5 or 6 of the EA gatefold packaged games (archon etc), was thinking of putting them up as a single lot... I just found out I have TWO copies of M.U.L.E. though, might do that one separate :)


Then maybe just bundle the others together...

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That's what I was thinking, For example I have about 5 or 6 of the EA gatefold packaged games (archon etc), was thinking of putting them up as a single lot... I just found out I have TWO copies of M.U.L.E. though, might do that one separate :)


No EA boxed title sells for 99c. Some are rather common (as Archon) and they shouldn't sell for much higher. But it is one of the favorite publishers, and they always sell with a high premium above its rarity.


MULE is probably the all time favorite game. Again, not rare, but everybody wants it.


I'd recommend selling each EA boxed game separately. Certainly do so with MULE.

Edited by ijor
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That's what I was thinking, For example I have about 5 or 6 of the EA gatefold packaged games (archon etc), was thinking of putting them up as a single lot... I just found out I have TWO copies of M.U.L.E. though, might do that one separate :)


No EA boxed title sells for 99c. Some are rather common (as Archon) and they shouldn't sell for much higher. But it is one of the favorite publishers, and they always sell with a high premium above its rarity.


MULE is probably the all time favorite game. Again, not rare, but everybody wants it.


I'd recommend selling each EA boxed game separately. Certainly do so with MULE.


Yeah I did a search and kind of came to that conclusion too... I have some of the EA games for the commodore too, think I may put them all up separately on Ebay

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