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1010 not working....help


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I have recently acquired a 1010 tape deck, however, there appears to be a problem and I need advice.


It plays the tapes and records them, but my 800XL doesn't seem to be getting the signal. If I try any pre-recorded tape, I get a boot error (?)


And if I try to CSAVE a small program and then CLOAD it, I can here the data, but fails to load into th e800XL.


I have cleaned the tape heads, but still no luck.


Any ideas?

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Out of the 3 above, I'd say the cable first. Alignment shouldn't be the issue, as a cassette recorded on it should play back on it.


BTW the cassette recorder is stereo...so while you hear the data stream fine coming from the television speaker, this is from the channel that is not fed into the computer's memory.

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What error are you getting?


If the cable isn't receiving data, then it should be ERROR - 138.


If you're getting data corruption, then it'll probably get a 139, 140, 142 or 143.


I'm not getting an error number. If I try a commercial tape by holding START (or START & OPTION), the load times out and I go to the BASIC prompt (or the Self Test).


If I try to use CLOAD, it just sits and waits for the data (although I haven't left it running this way yet to see if it times out).


I have just tried a different SIO lead, no success. I have also tried both SIO ports at the back of the 1010, still no change.

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