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Thanks for the link. Version 3.1 is the latest, according to the download section of that page.




If you follow the link, miker gave, you´ll reach the site, where you directly can download the actual final version 4.0...

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The last version was 4.1, as far as I know. It was built with the Atari800 2.0.2 kernel. Just drop this file into a directory containing KAILLERACLIENT.DLL & the other files from your 4.0 distribution (otherwise you won't have online game communication, help, etc.).


This had been posted a long time ago, and there is no source code, but it does have a few more features, based on the kernel version alone.


No one has done anything with this code for years.


Is there anyone out there who can provide detailed directions, and all of the files necessary to build version 4.0? There is one post here, but it doesn't go into great detail.


Even better, same as above with the 4.1 sources included in the post.


Detailed directions concerning how to integrate the Atari800WinPlus code with a new distribution of Atari800 should be included, as well as path information for the required directories.


Ideally, information on building from Visual C++ 6.0 onwards should be included. Not everyone has or wants the latest & greatest (ha) Micro$loth language, after all.


I own 6.0, though it's something that I rarely use. I'm more UNIX oriented... anyway, it looks like it wants a "Workspace File". Since I'm not a Visual C++ user, I have no freakin idea what the hell it wants, to be able to load all of src files into a single project. Another Mirco$oft "What DON'T you want to do today?" moment. I'm sure that I must be Windoze-Challenged or something. This is probably a good thing.


I will tell you right off the bat that if you are an old school C programmer who likes to write & build by hand with an editor, a compiler and a makefile, looking at the Atari800WinPlus sources is a nightmare. It is filled with inline assembly, and the design of the overall framework could be done a lot clearer by a programmer tripping on acid. Really.


I do love the executable, though, really! & Thank all of the programmers who gave us this excellent (yet orphaned) tool.


Sooo, if someone out there has wrapped their head around this, and successfully modded or at least built & ran the code, please share what you know, because this software really is starting to show it's age & needs some attention.


If we had some step by step build info, then I'm sure that we would be seeing a lot more features in the near future.


Well, that's it for now, you'll find the 4.1 exe zipped in the attachment.





Edited by UNIXcoffee928
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AFAIK, the Printer patch is broken in the latest release. PITA really - great to be able to just LIST "P:" and have the program in Notepad rather than doing it the long way.


Also, the latest version handles GTIA mode changes mid-scanline and a few other cycle-exact things more correctly.


ed - also has Multiple Thread support - great for multi-core CPUs, makes it run nearly 40% faster on my C2D.

Edited by Rybags
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