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atari2600land's Blog - Game Gear Goodness


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Finally got my butt in gear (Game Gear, that is) and bought some more rare titles today. (All rarity values are from Digital Press) Berenstain Bears is 5, and Woody Pop is 4. I bought NBA Jam, but the trouble with it is YOU CAN'T PAUSE IT! I tried to press Start during a game, but it wouldn't do anything. I also got a Frank Zappa CD for a 17-minute long song called "Big Swifty" for my long song collection. I also bought the complete works of Aristophanes and put it right next to the Odyssey & the Iliad. Then, my aunt and uncle came down from Portland and I went to my sister's house and saw them. They had just come back from a cruise, and they had a whole bunch of pictures of the carribean to show us. Technically, we were celebrating Christmas with them because they couldn't come down at Christmastime. (It's an hour long drive from Portland to Salem). Expect some more Game Gear reviews tomorrow as I play Woody Pop and Berenstain Bears extensively.



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