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atari2600land's Blog - Random mailbag


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I hate Spam. I tried the canned meat once and didn't like it. I also hate the e-mail kind of spam. Here's an example:



We are pleased to inform you of the announcement today of winners of the

GOLDSTAR LOTTERY POGRAMS held on 24th February 2007.Your Company or your

personal e-mail address is attached to winning number (number) with

serial number (number) drew the lucky numbers 887-13-865-37-10-83, and

consequently won in the first lottery category.


You have therefore been approved for a lump sum pay out of One Million Five

Hundred Thousand EUROS (1,500,000.00) in cash credited to file REF NO:



This is from total prize money of 10,687,000 EUROS, shared among the Twenty

international winners in this category.



Man, was this badly written. "Programs" was spelled wrong and every number was capitalized for no good reason. And not only that, foreign lotteries are illegal in the U.S. And, I didn't even enter a lottery. Why do these morons keep trying? Needless to say, I deleted this sucker, but this has been the first spam letter I've got in a while, because I only give my e-mail address out to a select few: People at RetroJunk, and people at CartoonsDammit. By the way, the e-mail listed in my profile is incorrect. I just put that one in because Albert said AtariAge was having trouble with my real one. It is a valid e-mail address, but I only check it once a month to delete the various Yahoo ads. Computers... :roll:



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