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Atari800Win with GameEX


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)Posted this in the emulator forum but didn't get a response so trying here):


I have Atari800Win setup to work with the frontend GameEX (running in fullscreen mode). Only problem is that when the emulated Atari occasionally crashes, then next time I try to load a game from GameEX I get a blank screen. The only way to fix it is to manually run Atari800WinPlus and close the "Your last Atari session appears to have locked up......" dialog. Is there any way to set the emulator to not display that dialog(and just ignore a previous crash) since that is what halts it when trying to load from GameEx. I'm trying to setup GameEx to be as seamless as possible.


Thanks allot

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The crash flag is stored in the registry at:




It is a dword value with bit 0x00000004 set if the crash menu should be displayed. Unfortunately this is shared with other settings so you cant just delete the value or you will lose those settings too.


So you can either make a small program/script to modify the registry before Atari800Win is run each time and unset this bit, or you could also download the source and remove this feature, or make it possible to bypass it with a command like switch.


The code is in MainFrame.cpp


/* The last session was crashed */
if( _IsFlagSet( g_Misc.ulState, MS_LAST_BOOT_FAILED ) && !Misc_FindWindow( VERSION_INFO, 0 ) )
		InitialiseRegistry( NULL, TRUE );



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Thanks for the info. Not being a programmer, (beyond old Atari BASIC) :) I unfortunately don't really know how to work with the source. But basically if I set the program up the way I want and then make note of what is set at miscState I can just insert it each time the program is run and it will bypass the crash message? I'll give it a try and thanks again, I've been trying to get this fixed for a while!

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It Works! Just in case anyone else needs simple instructions based on what Steve first said:



When you crash the emulator it is registered here in the registry:




To bypass the crash message just:


- Set up the emulator as you want it with nothing loaded, then exit the emulator.

- Export the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Atari800WinPLus\ registry settings to a .REG file

- Now, each time you run the emulator import the reg file you saved back into the registry

using "regedit.exe /s path of .reg file". (The /S switch sets regedit to import the reg file silently

without prompts)


Example regedit.exe /s C:\Games\atari800winplus31\atari800windefault.reg


This can be run before the emulator easily from within GameEX.




Thanks Again



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