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jboypacman's Blog - Steel Empire.


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Steel Empire is a side-scrolling shooter for the Sega Genesis and was released by Flying Edge a.k.a LJN a.k.a Acclaim.


Steel Empire has a "Steampunk"feel to it.It takes place in a retro-future setting with old black and white newsreels used for the intro and cut-scenes.Players choose from either a Blimp or a Bi-plane.The Blimp is slower but stronger and the Bi-plane is faster but weaker.


The game itself features seven levels of gameplay with three continues for the player to use.Smartbombs and speed power-ups are part of your arsenal of weapons.


You can shoot in both directions forward or backward which can come in handy with enemies coming in both directions.Your enemies include tanks,planes,and flying windmills as well as a few other ones thrown in for good measure.


There is some slowdown i have found when fighting some of the larger bosses.But i was not turn away by this as i know this was normal for games like this and it does help you have better control of your ship in a battle.


The graphics are nothing revoultionary but are soild and the sounds are well done.The game holds it own and is a unique shooter in the sea of shooters for the Sega Genesis.I would highly recommend this game to Sega Genesis owners and shooter fans alike.Thumbs up!


Side-Note:My understanding is that this game was also made for the Gameboy Advance afew years back but was not released here in the U.S. so it might be worth tracking down if your looking for a good shooter for your GBA.





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