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jboypacman's Blog - Space Hawk.


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Space Hawk is a Asteroids clone that was released by Mattel for the Intellivision back in 1981.


Players control a SpaceMan who is adrift in space whos only tools are a Jetpack and a Laserblaster.


Move around the screen using your Jetpack and shoot at incoming asteroids and aliens using your Laserblaster.


The game features "Auto-fire" and "Drift" modes."Auto-fire"will save some ware on your thumb.While "Drift"will cause you to slowly move about even after you stopped using your Jetpack.


Watch out for the explosions caused by the asteroids and aliens after you shoot at them.Touch them and you will lose a life.


The graphics and sounds for Space Hawk are avarage but they dont need to be the best for this game to work.


My major complant with Space Hawk or should i say the Intellivision is the control pads.With a game like this i seem to have some problems controlling it.I much perfer a Joystick over a pad but this is just me.


In the end Space Hawk is a ok game for the Intellivision not one of my favorites but worth playing every once in a good while.But i seem to play Asteroids for my Atari 2600 and 7800 much more.







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