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Empty Box shipped priority with signature confirmation. What could it mean?

Almost Rice

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Hi Guys,


My wife just got a box to our business UPS store mailbox. The box was the small Priority flat rate box(the kind that Albert uses for the carts he sends). The only thing in the box was a small square of bubble wrap. It looked like the same as the wrap we send out to customers. We saved the box because it seemed very weird to us. The return address is blank. It was printed from USPS clickNship. We use the same service without the signature confirmation. We usually sell her products on her site and Amazon. Our last ebay sale was early January(payment via paypal).


I am thinking the person that sent it was trying to do a chargeback scam, but why would they put a blank address? We would eventually find out who did it.

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Is there a weight printed anywhere on the label? Does the label weight match the actual weight of the empty box you received? If not I would suspect pilfering.


Now that I think about it, wasn't there some big scandal recently with UPS store employees stealing from packages?

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Okay, I could see a sister doing something like that. But a sister in law? That's not a family member, that's your brother's wife.


It's my wife's sister and that's just the way my wife's family is. They're all crazy, and if you show a sign of weakness you'll get eatten alive.


Her mom is even crazier(maybe not as gross), but you have to watch them all, except her Dad who is kinda normal and you feel sorry for because he's stuck with this crazy wife and kids.


Thus I had to respond bigger and better to the toe nails. Actually I had saved up a bunch of toe nails to get back at her first, the fart in a jar was just a " you don't know who you're messing with here" type statement.

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Is there a weight printed anywhere on the label? Does the label weight match the actual weight of the empty box you received? If not I would suspect pilfering.



I do not have it in front of me but since its a flat rate box weight would not be an issue. I will check though. I have tried to search by the number underneath the Barcode but I get nothing. I was going to take it to the Post Office to check.


Remember the return address is blank so they had to have covered up the return address and copied it. The label looks like a bad copy too. Someone went through a lot of trouble to print it out on Click-N-Ship and to do this.

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  • 11 months later...

I found the scam. They were using the shipping DC to do a return/exchange scam. :x My wife sent out a replacement without proof of purchase. She just looked up the DC on USPS.com. She thought she would not need to get me involved. My 1st question is what invoice to attribute the 2nd shipping cost to. She could not answer. I control the Endicia account now so nothing gets sent out without me knowing about it.


I love my wife, but she is one of those where a little knowledge is dangerous.

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