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jboypacman's Blog - Atari Jaguar Collection almost complete.


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Well my Atari Jaguar Collection is almost complete.I ordered three of the games i was looking for last night from the Goat Store.Tempest2k(The lable got damage on my last copy so i removed it and traded it Diggs),Super Burnout,and Raiden.I already have Rayman,Power Drive Rally,and Wolfenstein 3D so now all i need is a copy of Ruiner Pinball to finsh up with the Jag and i will be done collecting for it.These games i have had played in the past and were my favorites.I could care less if they loose or complete as long as they are in good shape.So hopefully i will come across a Ruiner Pinball soon.After this i will be looking to buy up the few games i will be wanting to complete my Atari 7800 collection.Wish me luck.



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