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Interesting take on the 5200


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LOL i can't really blame u there. Although i like the subject of games and the fact that he may be funny.....it doesnt take any intelligence to come up with something like that. Trust me you aren't missing anything. By the way, very cool avatar. I'm a huge fan of Lunar.

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The 5200 was/is by far my favorite Atari system, but I have to say that was a riot!!!


My favorite line:


"...and why is there a door on it? Is this a video game console or a f***ing closet?!"

I was surprised to see him pull a beer out from under that door. I liked it when he dropped the tv on his foot.

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Blasphemous!!! It really all depends on what system you were raised. I had the 5200 growing up and it's still my favorite system ever. I've tried switching over to the 8-bit line which I know is the same but I just love the 5200 controllers. If only the 8-bit line supported 2 button controllers...

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Valid gripes about the controller, the rest was bull. Anyone who's got access to the net can either a) find out how to mod the 5200 so it doesn't need the switchbox and fix the controllers or b) find someone who can do both for them. The electronics are over 20 years old, and one can't expect it to be compatible with a modern TV or even to work for that matter.


I hope the video wasn't serious. If it was, that proves exactly how little research he does before he reviews something.

To me, the video appeared to not be something one should take seriously. It was intended as a not serious cheap shot to the 5200, and that's all it is. That said, though, it was pretty funny. It needed a whole lot less profanity, though.

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Lemmi brought this guy up in another thread and most every sketch I watched.....I couldn't finish because they weren't funny at all. Plus, on some of them, he puts on his "excessive cussing" mode and makes a fool of HIMSELF.

The only quote I ever liked was on the Friday the 13th one.


"Oh nooo, it's Jason and he's fighting me like it's Mike Tyson's Punchout!"

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I love ANN's reviews. Combine his George Carlin-like foul mouthed commentaries + bad Nintendo games, and you have some hilarious videos. His knockoffs(typically teenagers) are awful though. There's another guy who does similar foul-mouthed reviews(quite a few) that are just as good.

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