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Multicart (2006<-del) 2007 - Done.


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So what is the status of MegaPak?


Well... To put it out short. DONE!!! :dunce: :D


The final release candidate was number 16. My kids have been playing it at home and it seems to be stable, playable, fun, great, absolutely Wonderful and definitely worth to be found in your collection of great entertainment for the Lynx.


So now we are done with the playtesting and fixing bugs.


The next step is the user manual. Yes, unfortunately some programs require explanations to get the most out of it. Basically the important things to know are:


Reset (Opt1 + Pause) takes you back to the title screen if you are in a game. Or back to the Main menu if you are on a Title screen.


Flip (Opt2 + Pause) flips the screen upside down. Nice feature for gamers from Australia.


Pause pauses the game.


Opt2 toggles background music on/off/next tune.



In the main menu:


(Opt1 + Opt2) opens an EEPROM erase screen from where you can reset the EEPROM on board to empty. This will erase all high scores, lose your progress in all games and set all instruments back to default settings. So don't do this if you don't want to start all over from square zero.


In the Music menu:

B toggles a tune on the playlist and also stops the music from playing

A plays a single tune


In the Toolbox menu:

There are radiobuttons for setting the uploader speed to none, 9600, 62500 bauds. You can connect a ComLynx cable to another Lynx or another computer for uploading games from a computer to the Lynx RAM. You need a special cable that converts the data to TTL-levels.



There are also TONS of info like this for individual games and utilities. But they are still to be written. Before the manual is there Carl cannot sell the cart. I also hope to set up a pdf version of the manual somewhere so that you can get a good idea of all the features on the cart before you decide to buy it.









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