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jboypacman's Blog - After all these years the Lynx is coming home.


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Well my good friend of many years Dalum,his new wife Nyracat,and his daughter GFresh came over to have dinner with me and my wife Kellyjo.After dinner while the women took to talk and such me and Dalum hit the old gaming room.He really like the Vectrex and got a kick watching me play a quick round of BeefDrop on the 7800.We got to talking and i had made the off comment that i wanted to pick up a Atari Lynx maybe in April for my Birthday.He said that he still has the one i gave him years ago and that he did promise to give it back to me if i every wanted back.So this week or coming weekend he is going to go dig it out of storage along with the games i had for it.So after all these years the Lynx is coming home.The only bad part is that its missing the battery cover :( .I guess when i get it back i will have to see if i can pick one up somewhere.



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