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Atarimax 5200 USB Cart Equivelant


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I would like to know what the equivalent product is to my Atarimax 5200 usb cartridge, for use with the XEGS that I recently purchased. I am extremely pleased with the cartridge and would like the same features with no fuss and nothing more to purchase in order to get it up and running. Maybe someday my curiosity will broaden, but right now I am mainly interested in games and want to exploit the vast 8 bit library and do not care to be attempting to program as yet. Any advice in plain english would be greatly appreciated. I have tried to explore the Atarimax pages, but find much of the descriptions gibberish to my decidedly un-technical mind. Please forgive me my ignorance of such matters.

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The easiest and cheapest option is just the sio2pc cable and APE softwear, download the images of the games onto your pc and load them into ape, boot the atari and enjoy all the games you can find.


The other more expensive option is the maxflash 8meg cart, but you will also need an sio2pc adaptor, an atari sio cable and a seriel cable to connect to a pc or laptop.


Then you require the APE softwear and Makemenu softwear, both are available free from Atari max site.

You will also need the images of the games you want to put on the cart, atr, xex or whatever.


It is then a matter of drag and drop the images into makemenu, press a button for make menu to make the complete image.

Load this image into APE, and boot the computer with the maxflash cart in.


Enjoy the 60 odd games that you have on your cart.

I can't recomend the APE Sio2PC and flashcart highly enough, really fantastic products.



Sounds more complicated than it really is.

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Actually, if you want the closest thing to an Atarimax USB multicart, then MyIDE is your best bet.


There is an entire other thread on this. Some people swear by the SIO2PC, I think it is basically more complex to maintain for someone just interested in a multicart. But either way you go, it takes a little more work to get a multicart solution for the Atari computers.

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