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PL65 Manual?


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  • 1 year later...

Hmm, sorry to resurrect this, but I was just going through some boxes of stuff and I've found what appears to be a complete original manual for PL65.


The title is "PL65 Programming Manual Copyright © 1987 Noahsoft. For Atari models 400 800 XL and XE Series. 48K RAM Required. Issue 1"


Does this exist online and if not is it something worth the effort to preserve?


There is also an A4 "Programmer's Card" with usefull addresses, Antic modes, Equates etc and a smaller yellow card with "SY6500 Instruction Set Summary" on it. I'm not sure if these are from PL65 or if they're the cards that came with Atari's assembler editor.


In the same folder are some other docs including a manual for "Assembler" from QS Quality Software and the Newell 256KXLE upgrade.

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From earlier posts and threads (and searching on my part), no there doesn't seem to be a copy of this online. It would be worth preserving, as it seems to be one of the very worthwhile languages for the Atari that is not well documented.

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Right, I guess the next question is what is the best format ? HTMLized, PDF, text ???


It would be great if you could do text but that is a lot of work. The easiest way is just to do decent resolution jpegs.


I did a couple of 8-bit manuals and sent them to Atarimania.com but they didn't seem to be interested in them.



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I did a couple of 8-bit manuals and sent them to Atarimania.com but they didn't seem to be interested in them.

When and what titles were they? Sorry Allan but don't recall anything from you.


We ARE behind schedule with scans but we'll gladly take anything actually.



Atari Frog


Edited by www.atarimania.com
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I did a couple of 8-bit manuals and sent them to Atarimania.com but they didn't seem to be interested in them.

When and what titles were they? Sorry Allan but don't recall anything from you.


We ARE behind schedule with scans but we'll gladly take anything actually.



Atari Frog



I sent a copy of a couple of manuals to you one being the Parrot digitizer manual. I did it through the email on Atarimania.com. In fact I sent it to all the emails because I had done it before to one and I never got a response. Even after sending it to all the emails I never got one response. Maybe there is something wrong with the emails. If you can give me another one I will find them and send them again. Plus I have a number of other things to scan for you.



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OK, I'm thinking text. It'll take a few weeks but that way it's easy to turn it into other formats. Jpegs would be huge - it's a big manual.


What's the best thing to do with it when it's done? Post it here? I could host a HTML version on my site but then that's one more site for folks to remember.

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Do you want to sell that manual?


Hmm, since I just found it and haven't even read it all yet probably not. I might consider it after I've got it online for everyone to see, but I guess that decreases it's value somewhat ;)


I guess it would be pretty easy to make a copy for you, but then you could do that yourself once I've finished getting into an electronic format.

Edited by spookt
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Point(s) taken and I agree with you about making a copy etc. It's simply that I've been interested in that language for 20-plus years and, despite having some pretty rare items in my collection and AFAIK being the first to provide a 'cracked' copy of the language for the community to enjoy, I've never happened upon a manual :x


If you change your mind I'd be grateful if you let me know... ;)

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Hi Fujix


Hmm, I'd forgotten that it was you who provided the disk image. I used that myself as although I own an original disk it appears to be bad as no matter what option I select from the menu I always end up with a DOS menu.


OK, since this has been languishing in a box in my attic for the past couple of years I think I would be willing to let you have it once I've gotten an electronic copy done. I really need to make sure it's preserved. To me that's more important than actually owning it. Also it seems to me that you have a genuine interest in it, not just some mad collectors urge ;) If that's OK with you perhaps we could make a deal then? I'd probably rather trade than sell though.




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