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Mord's Blog - OH EM GEE.


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It's the 16th and I haven't made a post yet this month? :-o


Well, I guess that's bound to happen when I'm not doing serious coding. I have, however, been somewhat productive overall. Only 3 levels left to map out for Scrapyard Dog (4-3, 5-3, 6-2) - I've actually gotten a bit faster with doing them compared to way back when I was doing level 1-1. :ponder: I'm not anticipating problems with 6-2, although the x-3's are going to be a pain I'm sure. Hopefully I'll be able to finish all 3 tomorrow.


In game news, after finishing Ar Tonelico last month I went on and started over with Grandia 3. For a 2-disc game it felt incredibly short. I'm quite sure I missed stuff by staying fairly on track with the story so I'm probably going to attempt looking around it some more later on.


But before that, I think the next game on the agenda is Baten Kaitos. This means I'll have to hook up the gamecube again which would be the first time it's been hooked up since my last apartment move - roughly 15 months or so. I was working through it prior to my move but ended up losing interest for various reasons that I can't really remember anymore. Probably something about watching some of my healing cards evolving on their own over time. When I sit down to start playing it, I'm going to start over from the beginning.


I seem to be on a RPG kick this year. :ponder:







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