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EricDeLee's Blog - Sigh.. lots of great stuff on the Bay.


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Right when I plan on saving money, lot of 'needed' items show up on old Ebay.


Someone is selling their entire collection of Turbo Grafx items. Lots of great items in there. Included in the stuff for sale: Ol' Magical Chase. I plan to throw my hat into the ring on that one, and I've done the same for a few Neutopia 2 games that are listed. Then there is Bonk 3, New Adventure, etc etc etc.




All in time I guess. All in time. I threw my hat in the ring for a Dark Tower Board game as well. I don't think I'll win but that's fine. I think I should buy a complete game anyhow.


Collecting Goals


So... Now I'm trying to re-arrange my collecting goals.


I've mainly decided that I'll collect for three main systems right now. Atari Lynx (first and foremost), TG-16 (still wondering if I should just dive into the cd stuff yet), and last The Atari Jaguar.


I like the Jaguar, I really do. But it isn't a 'love' thing yet. It is more of a respect thing. I guess I'll pick up games if I happen to run across good prices. I paid $80 for a sealed Atari Karts the other day. It is a perfect box and all, but I wonder if I just blew the money on that. Right now I'm bidding on another auction that has Atari Karts and a few others CIB. If I win that one, I may turn around and sell this Atari Karts, or trade it for some goodies.


I noticed that I have pretty much stopped looking at Atari 2600 lots on ebay now. I think I'm fairly set on my collecting goals there. Sure, I'd like more, but I don't seem all that interested anymore. Perhaps I just need to drag out the 2600 more often. I think that will all change once I really grind down and start building that countertop Atari arcade machine. That will start the fire again... I'm sure of that.


Atari Lynx: I've decided recently that this is one system that I really love and care about. I love the TG-16 as well. no doubt about it. But the Lynx is very special to me. I kind of wish that I did not sell off all of those boxed games I had. They were pretty nice. Either way, I've only got a few that I still need to get that were commercially released. Or so I THINK were commercially released. Then I'm going to dive into the homebrews (something I plan on doing for the 2600 as well). On top of that, I'm going to put out a request for PROTOs. I'm really interested in these, well, mainly because I love this system so much. I've got my eyes on a few. One in particular, and then hopefully some from people like Songbird, etc. I'm not going to buy any right now... but I will be soon.


TG stuff? Well... I will still collect for. I've got a few high dollar ones I'm looking at. Beyond that... well... I'm going to need to expand over into the cd arena I think. I may take a break after I complete the US Hu Card collection. Who knows... maybe I'll grab the PC Engine stuff as well. I know they have a lot of the same games, but the labels are pretty darn cool on the PC Engine stuff. Well... that's it for now. A true BLOG instead of a 'checklist of my games'


enjoy... comment... etc.


Take care








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