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Is it possible to set memory origin with Action!? For both variables and code?






Ahh it would have been nice to finish that computer science degree... a pc action! cross-compiler would have been nice for that compiler course...

Edited by dwhyte
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Is it possible to set memory origin with Action!? For both variables and code?


Ahh it would have been nice to finish that computer science degree... a pc action! cross-compiler would have been nice for that compiler course...

Hi dwhyte, I hope you check mentioned thread and the use of SET command. I am looking forward for your idea about PC Action! cross-compiler. But I think it would take more time to finish such a project, to polish it and make it work the way all Action! freaks want it. PC cross-compiler should, for one thing, take advantage of using unlimited or fixed max number of global variables, new integrated routines and procedures, etc.

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I actually started to work on an Action compiler for the PC written in C# but never got to far on it. I used the Gold Parser Generator to create the parser, but I really got stuck on the code generation side of things.


I studied some of the machine code that the Action compiler generated and it's pretty amazing how optimized it's code generation was. For example it would put 0 in the Y register for one instruction, then a dozen instructions later it would need a 1 in the Y register so instead of loading 1 into Y it would increment Y which saves a couple bytes of memory and a couple machine cycles.



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  • 1 month later...
I actually started to work on an Action compiler for the PC written in C# but never got to far on it. I used the Gold Parser Generator to create the parser, but I really got stuck on the code generation side of things.


I studied some of the machine code that the Action compiler generated and it's pretty amazing how optimized it's code generation was. For example it would put 0 in the Y register for one instruction, then a dozen instructions later it would need a 1 in the Y register so instead of loading 1 into Y it would increment Y which saves a couple bytes of memory and a couple machine cycles.



It would be great project. If you, anybody else, or even me start such a thing, we have to make first to-do/wish list of features, needed for cross-compiler for Action! / PL/65.


My wish list:

- fully compatible compiler for native source code of Action! / PL/65 language

- unlimited global variables and functions (PROC, FUNC) (of course, in this case, we have consider free space of other parts of the program)

- smart-linker (automatically left out an unnecessary code)

- integrated floating point support

- integrated player/missile support


That is for now!

Edited by Gury
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