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EricDeLee's Blog - didn't win a thing


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Ebay... Part 2


Well... I placed bids on a lot of different Items I was interested in. I guess I didn't want them enough, otherwise I would had placed higher bids. I guess I was simply putting the bid up there, and hoping that it was good enough. Well... none of the bids were. LOL


I lost out on that Drak Tower I was bidding on... by $1. So that one kind of sucked.

The other stuff... not much of a chance. Quite a few of them went much higher than I expected.


Some notable items: I was bidding on a Jaguar lot of 5 games. Most were in their boxes if I recall. Main reason I was bidding at first was to get Atari Karts in an opened box. That way I can sell the sealed copy I have. Then, SS4U started bidding. So it became a mission of "This son of a gun is NOT getting these games" As it turned out, I jumped him up to $99... and others jumped his final cost to $170+ At first I figured he paid too much. Then I realized perhaps that was of my own error for not reading the auction better: They are all sealed games. Being that i spent $80 alone on a sealed Karts game... it may be possible he got these at a somewhat good price.


Oh well.


Now... to the stuff that is a little disheartning:

Turbo Grafx.


Everything. Every single item I placed a bid on came out a lot higher than I expected. I'd say some of my goals for the TG collecting world is to grab a Magical Chase for under $200, Grab a Neutopia 2 for under $50, and grab a Devil's Crush for around $20. are the prices realistic? Possibly... but not really.


Magical Chase... I've seen three on ebay since I started looking. 3 US Hu Cards... not the PC Engine card. One I saw on the bay for $180. It came with a crappy crappy manual. One came with a great manual and the game... and it was something like $550. Then the one on ebay this week... manual only... with cart. $292 I can tell this one is going to cost me a lot in the long run.


Other games that have had that trend: Bonk 3, Neutopia 2.



Oh well... I guess that's the price you pay when trying to complete game collections.


Well.. I gotta go. Work is calling me.





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