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Which is better?


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Which is better? Mat Mania Challenge or Title Match Pro Wrestling? I hear both of these are not best of games but i was just wondering which would be the better of the two.Thanks for any feedback :) .


Let me answer your question with a question: What is better, face cancer or Ass cancer?


Neither are worth your time of day. I love wrestling games and they are terrible. Some like Mat Mania better becuase it has actual wrestling moves... but it is impossible to gauge how the fight is going. I like Title Match better because you can at least select different wrestlers and the graphics are better.



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Cousin Vinnie

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I had Titlematch back in the day, and it has impressive graphics (sprites, anyway), but has very limited action. The availability of four wrestlers and a tag team mode helps, though. Mat Mania Challenge has a much more impressive move list, with a piledriver, german suplex, flying kneedrops off the top rope, and more. But with only two wrestlers (who look identical except for tights color), it lacks in the variety department. I do dig the in-ring ref, though, and the ability to fight outside the ring.

I know these games get a bad rap, since they are kinda bad, but I still put them to use once in awhile.

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Mat Mania Challenge sucks because as soon an opponent gets you in a headlock, necessary to set up more devastating moves, you can reverse it into a back suplex.




The game then becomes and endless headlock / reverse into suplex marathon until the time limit expires.


I was so psyched when I got this game years ago but haven't touched it since that first day.


Title Match sucks for the 2600 and the 7800 version is essentially the same but with better graphics

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Which is better? Mat Mania Challenge or Title Match Pro Wrestling? I hear both of these are not best of games but i was just wondering which would be the better of the two.Thanks for any feedback :) .


Let me answer your question with a question: What is better, face cancer or Ass cancer?


Neither are worth your time of day. I love wrestling games and they are terrible. Some like Mat Mania better becuase it has actual wrestling moves... but it is impossible to gauge how the fight is going. I like Title Match better because you can at least select different wrestlers and the graphics are better.



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Cousin Vinnie

Face cancer vs ASS cancer,good "ANAL"ogy!

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I got Title Match Pro Wrestling for the 2600 when it came out. I remember being so excited to see a wrestling game for the Atari. As you can guess, I was pretty disappointed when I played it.

I then found out later that there was a 7800 version. When I finally got that one a few years ago, I was shocked that all Absolute did was update the graphics. They should have at least used the second button to add some more moves.

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It's like, what the hell? Why even call it Mat Mania Challange? Why pay the licence fee if you're going to release some abomination like that? May as well call it "Two Twins Wrestling" and save some money.


You know, it's been forever since I've played Title Match, but isn't there a "Royal Rumble" option in it?

Edited by Trip_Cannon
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