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ubikuberalles' Blog - More Photoshop: The Inside Joke


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A significant amount of my Photoshopping time has been spent on the inside joke: jokes that only me and a small number of people would understand. Most of you reading this blog entry will not likely understand the jokes I'll be posting here but I thought I post them anyway to show off my limited PS skillz.


It Calm the Beef Min


If you are a member of the Digital Press forum then you should understand most, if not all, of the jokes posted below. If you are not a DP member of the DP forum then let me briefly explain by saying that the phrase "It Calm the Beef Min" is a meme that started on the forum and it means "Calm the hell down, man". Shortly after the meme started, a Photoshop war started and I couldn't resist making a contribution or two of my own:






Click here to see Superman calm the beef min


Click here to see V dub in the house uncalming the beef




Except for the magic 8 ball and the church sign with the spaghetti monster, the above photoshops didn't require much more talent than inserting some text. However, I still thought they were funny.


Pwning Pantechnicon


Pantechnicon appears to be a favorite target of mine. I've made Photoshop jokes at the expense of other former co-workers (which I won't post here since it would be inappropriate and they're not around to defend themselves) and friends, but I get the most fun whenever it involves good ol' pan pan man. He's a good sport about these things and so I don't think he'll mind if I show off my Pantechnicon jokes.


The first one was made shortly after we attended the Classic Gaming Expo (either the one in 1999 or 2000, I don't remember):




(The text is referring to a meme that was popular at the time about an excitable squirrel).


Alas, Pantechnicon is not a fan of ELO despite my best efforts to assimulate him. I guess, as a baby, he was frightened by someone sporting a 1970's Jeff Lynne-like afro. Pantechnicon also mentioned that he disliked lullabyes, especially the "Hush, Little Baby" song. I couldn't resist:




Originating from Nebraska, Pantechnicon is a big Cornhuskers fan. So, whenever the 'huskers lost a game, I had to poke Pan a little:




I made several variations of the above sign. Nebraska lost a LOT that year. The picture of the sign (minus the text I added) was culled from a Fark.com Photoshop years ago but I think I've actually driven by that sign back in 2004.


Miscellaneous Jokes


The following don't fit in an easy catagory and so I'll just post them here.


Phosphor Dot Fossils (otherwise known as PDF) mentioned that the Ranch tooth character featured (briefly) in a Wendy's commercial creeped him out a little. I could not resist:




This one was made by request:




(Jordy is some kind of French-Canadian rock star - that's all I know)


About four or five years ago a local franchise that owend a bunch of Burger Kings went bankrupt and about half of the BKs in town were closed and sold. One day I drove by one former BK and I did a double-take. It looked like the sign said "Dr. No's" and I went or a closer look. In fact, it said "Dino's" but the stylized letter "i" looked too much like an "r". Here's a Photoshop of what I thought I saw:




So Dr. No survived James Bond after all.


This last pic is a Photoshop I was planning to use in the DP forum but I never got around to posting it. I made this around the time Pope John Paul II died and I think fans of Triumph the insult comic dog will appreciate it:




The above pics are a good representation of my inside jokes collection. When I have any more Photoshop jokes - inside jokes or not - I'll make sure to post them on my blog. I hope you enjoyed them even if you didn't undersand them.




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